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Q: At what temperature is both the liquid and gas phase of water present inside a container?
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Why is there a mist over the neck of the bottle when you open a chilled bottle of lemonade?

Any liquid left in a container will evaporate. When placed in a closed container, there will be an equilibrium between the liquid and its vapour present above the liquid. When the bottle is chilled, the falling temperature causes the vapour present above the liquid to condense to form liquid again which appears as mist on the inside of bottle.

If a container is half filled with a liquid and sealed at room temperature and atmospheric pressure then what happens inside the container?

Inside the container, the liquid would partially evaporate, creating vapor in the empty space above the liquid. Eventually, an equilibrium will be reached where the rate of evaporation equals the rate of condensation, resulting in a constant vapor-liquid mixture within the container.

What happens to gas when it is in a solid container at now temperature?

The gas will condense and turn into a liquid when it is in a solid container at low temperature. The lower temperature reduces the energy of the gas molecules, causing them to come closer together and form a liquid state.

How does the particles in a fluid move?

by vibrating inside of the container that the liquid is held inside in

Why are baby wipes cold?

Baby wipes are cold because of the liquid present inside it. The liquid absorbs the cold temperature. Hence, Baby wipes seem to be cold.

Does a liquid have a definite shape and volume at room temperature?

Yes. A liquid has a definite shape and when a liquid is poured into a container, the liquid takes on the shape of the container.

How does the liquid know the pressure of the atmosphere?

The boiling point of an element or a substance is the temperature at which the Vapor_pressureof the liquid equals the environmental pressure surrounding the liquid.if we close the container and change the pressure outside the container.. the boiling point will change... why?? how will the solution inside know that the pressure outside the container is changing and it has to now change its boiling point.??

Will this affect the temperature of the liquid left in the container?

Yes, the change in pressure could affect the temperature of the liquid left in the container. When pressure decreases, the liquid's boiling point also decreases, potentially causing it to evaporate or cool down.

If more than one phase of water is present what does it tell you about the temperature?

The temperature will be either the boiling point (if liquid and vapor is present) or it will be the melting/freezing point (if liquid and ice is present)

Can a liquid and gas together be at same temperature?

Yes, at boiling point and in a close container a liquid and its vapours coexist.

What factors affect how fast a liquid freezes?

the freezing temperature of the liquid, the container it is in, the surface are exposed to the colder mass, the original temperature of the liquid before being exposed to the colder mass, the denseness of the liquid.

What is the name of the liquid present inside the cochlea?

The liquid present inside the cochlea is called perilymph. It helps transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear.