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Q: Astronomers use instruments to observe the universe What instruments is used to observe distant stars?
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When astronomers study distant galaxies they notice changes to the waves they observe describe the change to the waves they observe?

Because the universe as a whole is expanding, distant galaxies are moving away from us. As a result, electromagnetic waves emitted by those galaxies experience what is known as a red shift. Their wavelengths get longer.

How do radio waves help astronomers?

They are simply one more way to observe distant objects and events.

Is there a lot of light pollution on Earth that makes it difficult for astronomers to observe at distant stars?

Yes, human electric lighting is polluting the night sky.

What does the Astronomers use to observe the sky?

a stethoscope

How do astronomers observe the spiral of the milky way?

by eyes

Why the astronomers observe stars?

Stars are like the bread crumbs left by the Big Bang. By studying stars scientists get to know the elements that are found in them and how are they connected to us. They also teach us the way the universe works. They illuminate the darkest secrets of the universe.

How do astronomers observe the sun at different wavelengths?

Cus they is BOSS

What is A PERSon who studies planets and galaxys?

A person who studies planets and galaxies is called an astronomer. Astronomers observe and analyze celestial bodies such as planets, stars, and galaxies to understand their composition, behavior, and evolution. They use telescopes and other instruments to gather data and make scientific discoveries about the universe.

What is a device that is used to observe distant objects?

A telescope.

Which forms of electromagnetic radiation can interfere with the work of astronomers?

Light pollution from urban areas and artificial sources like street lights can interfere with astronomers' ability to observe celestial objects clearly. Additionally, radio waves from telecommunications and other sources can disrupt radio telescopes that astronomers use to study the universe.

What is the best evidence the universe is still expanding?

The redshift of distant galaxies, and the fact that the degree of redshift depends on the distance between us and those galaxies. What we observe can only be explained by Hubble Expansion.

Does the universe have a definite size?

The universe has been continuously growing since the Big Bang, and there is no way to accurately measure it, so no. Comments: In fact astronomers have estimated the size of the "Observable Universe". They say there's probably a lot more that we can't see. The Universe is about 13.8 billion years old. That gives the maximum distance we can observe as 13.8 billion light years. But while the light from the "edge" of the Observable Universe has been travelling to us, the Universe has been expanding. Astronomers have estimated how far away that edge is NOW. The usual estimate given for the "real" radius of the Observable Universe is about 46 billion light years.