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Q: Ask us anythingThe passing of traditions beliefs and behaviors from one generation to the next is known as a(n) .?
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What are Cultural norms and values that are passed down from one generation to the next referred as?

They are referred to as cultural traditions or heritage. These are beliefs, behaviors, and customs that are transmitted from one generation to another within a society, providing a sense of identity and continuity.

Is the knowledge and values shared by a society called culture?


What are two important elements of a culture?

Two important elements of a culture are language, which facilitates communication and expression of ideas unique to that culture, and customs/traditions, which shape the behaviors and practices of its members, passing down values and beliefs from generation to generation.

What culture is like?

Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, arts, and social behaviors of a particular group of people. It encompasses traditions, values, language, and rituals that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture shapes how individuals perceive the world and interact with others.

Do all people have Culture?

Yes, all people have culture. Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors that are passed down from generation to generation within a society. It influences individuals' beliefs, behaviors, and identities.

What is the definition of cultural attributes?

Cultural attributes refer to the distinct characteristics, beliefs, customs, and values that define a particular group of people or society. These attributes encompass language, traditions, social norms, and behaviors that are passed down from one generation to the next.

Attitudes values beliefs and behaviors shared in common by any group of people and communicated from generation to generation are referred to collectively as?

Cultural traits.

What do you call the beliefs that have been taught by the church and passed down to us by word and custom and example?

Those beliefs are typically referred to as "traditions" within the context of the church. They are teachings, practices, or rituals that are handed down from generation to generation within a religious community.

What term means the total of knowledge attitudes and behaviors shared by and passed on by the members if a specific group?

The term that describes the total of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared and passed on by the members of a specific group is "culture." This includes beliefs, customs, language, traditions, and ways of life that are learned and transmitted from one generation to the next within a particular society.

What is made up of shared values beliefs and behaviors?

Culture is made up of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors. It is a set of learned patterns of ideas, thoughts, and actions that are passed down from generation to generation within a particular group or society. Culture influences the way people perceive and interact with the world around them.

How does communication and culture reinforce cultural beliefs and behaviour?

Communication serves as a means through which cultural beliefs and behaviors are transmitted from one generation to another, strengthening their significance within a society. Through language, symbols, and rituals, people communicate and reinforce cultural norms, values, and traditions, ultimately shaping individuals' understanding of appropriate behavior and societal expectations. As individuals engage in shared communication practices within their cultural group, they contribute to the maintenance and continuity of cultural beliefs and behaviors.

What are clarisse's abnormal behaviors?

Clarisse's abnormal behaviors include questioning societal norms and traditions, displaying curiosity and intelligence that are seen as unusual, and expressing emotions and ideas that are considered unconventional in her society. She tends to stand out because of her nonconformist beliefs and behaviors.