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Q: Are used by some cities to haul away excess snow?
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Is Alaska covered in snow?

Usually, yes. Sometimes in the summer it gets warm enough to melt some of the snow away in some of the cities.

Should excess snow be shoveled away from house foundation?

Yes, excess snow should be shoveled away from the house foundation to prevent water from seeping into the basement or causing structural damage. Keeping the area around the foundation clear also helps to prevent ice dams from forming on the roof.

Does it snow in the cities of Bolivia?

Yes, it does snow in SOME cities in Bolivia such as La Paz and a few others. But not much since it's usually too warm for snow.

What is the commonly used Sanskrit word for cities of snow?


Why do some cities have cold snowy winters while others cities never get snow?

Cities that experience cold snowy winters are often located in regions that are further away from the equator and closer to the poles. These cities are exposed to colder air masses and are more likely to receive snowfall during winter months. Conversely, cities that never get snow may be located in regions with milder climate due to factors like closeness to the ocean, warm ocean currents, or the presence of geographical barriers that block cold air masses.

What is the subject of this sentence The snow kept our guests away?

(The) snow

How much rain and or snow does the tropical rain forest get?

In excess of 500 in. of rain

Which of these 2 cities deals most often with heavy snows should there an s on snow or not?

No 's' - "snow" can be plural.

Can snow go away in Minecraft?

Snow can go away in minecrafts, and can melt very slowly but it will still melt in the category its in on or by the minecraft.

What are the three Canadian cities guaranteed to have snow on December 25?

The three Canadian cities guaranteed to have snow on December 25 are Yellowknife, Whitehorse, and Iqaluit, as they are located in northern regions where snow is a common occurrence during the winter months.

What 3 Canadian cities guarantee snow on December 25?

Three Canadian cities that guarantee snow on December 25 are Regina, Saskatchewan, Stewart, B.C., and Iqaluit, Nunavut. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is totally wrong!! just saying!

Does poop go away under snow?
