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There are bacteria everywhere, but I would say inside has more, simply because it has a greenhouse effect for germs. Outside has wind and rain to blow it all away.

Germs (depending on what type) generally love to grow at warm temperatures peak from 25 celsius.... anything too cold or too hot will destroy the germ or inhibit its growth. Because us humans live indoors, we have to constantly clean otherwise moisture and bacteria will develop

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1mo ago

There are typically more germs found inside buildings due to the higher concentration of people and surfaces that can harbor germs. Temperature can affect the growth of germs as most germs thrive at temperatures similar to the human body (around 98.6°F or 37°C). Colder temperatures can slow down germ growth, while warmer temperatures can promote it.

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Q: Are there more germs on the inside of buildings or on the outside and does temperature affect the growth of germs?
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