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Yes. Creatures and plants which do not require sunlight for photosynthetic respiration - especially those involved with decomposition live in the aphotic zone.

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2w ago

Yes, there are living organisms that inhabit the aphotic zone, which is the deep, dark region of the ocean where sunlight does not penetrate. These organisms have adapted to survive in the absence of sunlight by relying on other sources of energy, such as chemosynthesis or consuming organic matter that drifts down from the sunlit surface waters. Examples of organisms found in the aphotic zone include deep-sea fish, cephalopods, and various types of invertebrates.

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Q: Are there living organism live in the aphotic zone?
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What are the differences between an aphotic zone and an euphotic zone?

The aphotic zone is the deep part of the ocean where sunlight cannot penetrate, resulting in complete darkness. The euphotic zone is the upper layer of the ocean where there is enough sunlight for photosynthesis to occur, supporting a high concentration of marine life.

Which zone has been the most difficult for marine biologists to explore?

aphotic zone

The permanetly dark zone below the photic zone is called the?

The permanently dark zone below the photic zone is called the aphotic zone. In this region, sunlight is unable to penetrate deep enough for photosynthesis to occur, resulting in a lack of primary production by plants. Organisms in this zone rely on alternative energy sources, such as detritus and chemosynthesis.

Why are you not likely to find zooplankton in the aphotic and benthic zone?

Zooplankton require sunlight for photosynthesis to occur, which is not available in the aphotic zone. Additionally, the benthic zone is the seafloor region where zooplankton would not typically dwell due to lack of nutrients and food sources, as well as potential predation risks.

Does algae grow in the photic or aphotic zone?

Algae is a plant, therefore it needs light. The photic zone has light, so that is where algae will grow. actually algae are of diffrent types red, brown green and yellow. Green algae and brown algae(stipe and frond) are usually in photic zone however red algae and bluegreen algae also inhabit aphotic zone On account of presence of pigments r-phycocyanin and r-phycoerythrin red algae can also absorb diffused UV light so can also prepare food in aphotic zone

Related questions

What is the aphotic zone?

Aphotic zone is the area of a lake or an ocean which gets little or no sunshine throughout the year.

What distinguishes the photic zone from the aphotic zone in an aquatic zone?

Photic = where there's light Aphotic = where there isn't light, deeper waters.

What distinguishes the photic zone from the zone aphotic zone in an aquatic ecosystem?

Photic = where there's light Aphotic = where there isn't light, deeper waters.

What is the aphotic zone and what plants and animals live there?

The aphotic zone is the portion of the ocean where sunlight cannot penetrate, resulting in complete darkness. Because photosynthesis is not possible in this zone, plants are absent, and animals that live there rely on other food sources such as marine snow and other organic matter that drift down from above. Deep-sea creatures like anglerfish, gulper eels, and giant squid are some examples of animals that inhabit the aphotic zone.

What zone does the desert live in?

The desert 'lives' nowhere. It is not a living organism but is the home to many living organisms - plants and animals.

What happens in an aphotic zone a body of water?

There is no photosynthesis

Difference between photic zone and aphotic zone?

Photic Zone: part of the ocean that receives sunlight Aphotic Zone: area in an ocean where sunlight does not reach and photosynthesis does not occur

Explain why the photic and aphotic zone of marine biomes are interdependent?

Since the aphotic zone does not receive sunlight it relys on the photic zone for the sunlight which in terms it does penetrate.

What distinguishes the photic zone From the aphotic zone IN an aquatic ecosystems?

Photic = where there's light Aphotic = where there isn't light, deeper waters.

The permanently dark zone below the photic zone is called what?

this could be the aphotic zone where only 1% of the surface light reaches. The Bethnic zone is the VERY bottom and is basically the sediment zone.

In which zone of the ocean are bioluminescent organisms found?

* Aphotic Zone

Which zone of the ocean does sunlight never reach?

Aphotic zone.