Everyone's DNA determines to a certain extent the body's metabolism, tendency to store fat, and where to store that fat. Some people are more prone to have bodies that store more fat than others. The fat a person puts on, however, is directly related to their diet and exercise.
If your mom's fat and she takes you Burger King everyday then you undoubtedly will be to.
Remember, Taste is King.
Genes are stretches of DNA that contain code to make proteins. Chromosomes are made up of numerous Genes.
They are the genes from the male and female genes , or the X and Y chromosomes. The dominate genes is featured in the offspring.
if there American wall cells they will stretch and get lazy causing extream fatness and a dieases called ineedamcydee .
the genes specify the formation of gametes.
BMR is the amount of energy your body burns at rest. Body fatness is calculated from your body fatness.
Fatness occurs when you ingest more calories than you are burning.
Physical Fatness was created on 1997-11-25.
yes she is the fatest fatness teacher around
skinny, chubby, fat, overweight, obese, and the worst of all the deadly dinosaur fatness. - Brady Newcomb
by your fatness
yes it can
fatness and spackyness.....
fatness is not in you