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Yes, you can't donate 0 positive blood to AB negative.

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5d ago

Yes, people with blood group O can donate to those with blood group AB, as AB individuals can receive blood from all blood types. However, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or blood donation center for specific guidelines and eligibility criteria.

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Q: Are there exceptions for the donation of blood group O to blood group AB?
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Does o positive blood group girl matches ab positive blood group man?

Yes, a woman with O positive blood can be a universal donor and can donate blood to a man with AB positive blood. However, blood compatibility for pregnancy or organ donation is determined by other factors beyond just the blood type. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for detailed information and advice in such situations.

Ab blood ethnic group?

Individuals with AB blood type can belong to any ethnic group. Blood type is not determined by ethnicity but rather by genetics. AB blood type individuals can be found in all populations around the world.

What group can you give blood if you have blood group A?

A ab Blood Group A+ve patient can receive donors of Group: A +ve . A-ve . O+ve And O -ve , and patient with blood group A -ve and can only receive A-ve and O -ve, in terms of Packed red cells ( Red blood cells) is required .

AB positive blood group and what should be your life partner's blood group?

For an AB positive blood group, a compatible life partner would be someone with any blood type, as AB positive individuals can receive blood from any blood type and can donate to AB positive and AB negative individuals. Compatibility for having children would depend on the specific blood types and potential genetic issues.

Can blood group O and blood group ab cause rhesus factor?

No, blood group O and blood group AB are ABO blood groups, while the rhesus factor is determined by the presence or absence of the Rh antigen on the surface of red blood cells. The ABO and Rh systems are independent of each other, so having blood group O or AB does not determine the presence or absence of the rhesus factor.

Related questions

Ab blood group?

If you are in the AB blood group, you can only donate blood to others in the AB group. You can receive blood from any group.

What is Blood Bank in Vodafone Rajasthan?

For donor registration, send: DONATE (city code) (Bloodgroup) (name) to 111.Eg: For group AB+ in Jaipur type DONATE 0141 AB Suresh, For group AB- in Jaipur type DONATE 0141 AB- Suresh. For blood request, send: BREQ (city code) (Bloodgroup) to 111.Eg: For group AB+ in Jaipur type BREQ 0141 AB, For group AB- in Jaipur type BREQ 0141 AB- These are the sms keywords for Blood donation and Blood request when you are registered in this service there is no charges of this services it is free of cost. Plz register yourself today itself to help somebody who needs help indeed.

What are adventage of having ab positive?

The chief advantage of having type AB positive blood is the ability to accept a blood donation from a person of any blood type. AB + is called the universal recipient.

Which blood group is the universal receiver AB or AB?


Can a person with positive A donate blood to a person with AB blood type?

Blood group AB can only donate red blood cells to other AB individuals. Since donated blood is separated into different components, your blood and plasma may be donated to different individuals. While AB red blood cells are only compatible with other AB individuals, AB plasma is the universal plasma for donation.

Is ab plus blood group take blood from another blood group?

Yes, theoretically a person with AB+ blood group can accept blood of any other group. But practically it is not practiced.

AB and O parents what will be the effect on child?

When the parents are with blood group AB and O, the possible blood group of the child would be either A or B. This is because the blood group AB has the genotype AB and blood group O has the genotype OO. Thus upon recombination, the only outcomes would be AO - meaning blood group A, or BO- meaning blood group B.

For a child to have A blood type do both parents have to be A?

no, if both parents are A still there is a chance of O baby ,but for the child to have A blood type atleast one of the parents must have A or AB blood group Parents having the following blod groups may have an A baby AA and AA baby will have A blood group only AA and AO baby with A group only AO and AO baby may have A or O blood group AB and OO baby with A or B blood group AA and OO baby with A blood group only AAand AB baby with A or AB blood group AO and BO baby of A AB B or O blood group AO and AB baby of A AB or B blood group AB and AB baby having A B or AB blood group (each individual has one,two or no antigens .when no antigen it results in O blood group ,when one or two A antigens ,the person has A blood group so its not necessary that both parents of A blood group child have A blood type

Does o positive blood group girl matches ab positive blood group man?

Yes, a woman with O positive blood can be a universal donor and can donate blood to a man with AB positive blood. However, blood compatibility for pregnancy or organ donation is determined by other factors beyond just the blood type. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for detailed information and advice in such situations.

Is it blood group A blood groupB blood group AB or blood group O which is dominant?


What blood type can donate to everyone else?

Blood type AB can only donate to another AB type. Blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but a blood type like A or B or AB can only be donated to a person who has the same exact blood type as the person who is donating their blood.

If Mother is blood group 0 and daughter blood group A what blood group is father?

A or AB