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as you know there is a big red spot on Jupiter which is a hurricane so im going to have to say yes

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8mo ago

Jupiter experiences extremely strong storms with winds reaching speeds of up to 384 miles per hour. These storms can cause turbulence in the atmosphere and intense cloud formations. Acid rain, however, is not present on Jupiter as its atmosphere is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.

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Q: Are there any storms winds or acid rains on Jupiter?
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Does Jupiter have clouds and acid rain?

Jupiter has clouds, but not acid rain.

Are evergreens affected by acid rain?

Yes, acid rains are dangerous for all vegetation species.

Do storms or other climatic conditions exist on venus?

Venus has a thick atmosphere with extreme conditions, including constant high temperatures and very strong winds. However, Venus does not experience typical "storms" like those on Earth, such as hurricanes or thunderstorms, due to its lack of a significant temperature difference between the equator and poles. Instead, Venus is known for its global-scale system of fast-moving winds and intense heat.

What is the weather on each planet?

Mercury: Temperatures can vary greatly, reaching up to 800°F during the day and dropping to -290°F at night. Venus: Extremely hot with temperatures over 800°F due to a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds. Earth: Varied climates depending on location, with temperatures suitable for liquid water and life. Mars: Cold with temperatures averaging around -80°F, with a thin atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide. Jupiter: No solid surface and extreme weather conditions with hurricane-like storms, such as the Great Red Spot. Saturn: Extreme winds and storms, with temperatures around -285°F due to its distance from the Sun. Uranus: Extremely cold temperatures around -370°F and extreme seasons due to its axial tilt. Neptune: Very cold temperatures around -370°F with fast winds and stormy weather.

Does venus have any form of weather?

Yes, Venus has a dense atmosphere that includes sulphuric acid clouds and high-speed winds that create extreme weather conditions such as intense heat and atmospheric pressure. The planet's atmosphere is very dynamic, with frequent lightning storms and thick cloud cover that traps heat, making it the hottest planet in our solar system.

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How does acid rain affected rains?

Acid rains actually do not affect any rains, but does a massive damage to the environment. It would be fatal for some types of organisms and for human, acid rains will cause much effects including the irritations in the skin.

Does Jupiter have clouds and acid rain?

Jupiter has clouds, but not acid rain.

Why can humans notlive on venus?

The temperature ranges from -45ºC to 464 The Atmosphere is Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen The winds get up 350 Khm It rains Sulphric acid not a very pleasant place to visit

Is water an acid or a base explain your answer?

it is kind of an acid because of the acid rains that happen

How does acid get into soil?

when it rains the plants have sex with themelves and the acid goes in

What is an example of chemical whethering?

The acid rains.

Which planet with an atmosghere that rains sulfuric acid?

Venus is the planet with an atmosphere that rains sulfuric acid. The intense heat and pressure on Venus cause sulfuric acid to form in the atmosphere and fall as acid rain.

Is nitric and sulfuric acid in rain?

Acid rains contain traces of these acids.

What are the damaging effects of air pollution on charminar?

acid rains

Does Titan have acid rain?

No. It rains methane on Titan.

What is a planet with an atmosphere that rains sulfric acid?
