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There are rotating cyclones and anticyclones on Jupiter, but they are a bit different from any storm found on Earth.

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Q: Are there any hurricanes tornadoes whirlpools or any kind of storms like that on Jupiter?
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Do tornadoes create storms?

No. Storms and hurricanes can create tornados.

Are there hurricanes tornadoes or thunder storms in Uruguay?

Uruguay gets thunderstorms and occasional tornadoes, but not hurricanes.

What storms cover large areas tornadoes or hurricanes?

Hurricanes cover larger areas than tornadoes. Hurricanes are massive storms that can span hundreds of miles, while tornadoes are more localized and typically have a narrower path of destruction.

Are hurricanes and tornadoes considered storms?

Yes, Hurricanes and tornadoes are the two most violent types of storm on earth.

Do hurricanes let off tornados?

No. Tornadoes are on land. Hurricanes are storms on water.

What is a tornado on Jupiter?

A tornado on Jupiter is a massive spinning storm system that appears as a dark, swirling cloud in the planet's atmosphere. These tornadoes can be many times larger and more powerful than tornadoes on Earth, with wind speeds reaching hundreds of miles per hour. They are a common feature in Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere.

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Other storms that can cause wind damage like hurricanes include tornadoes and derechos

Do Tornadoes and Hurricane both flood?

No, hurricanes do produce floods but tornadoes do not, although the storms that produce them can.

Is a Tropical storm smaller or larger then tornadoes and hurricanes?

Tropical storms are larger in size than tornadoes but smaller than hurricanes. Tropical storms can span hundreds of miles in diameter, while tornadoes are typically less than a mile wide. Hurricanes are much larger than both tropical storms and tornadoes, with wind speeds exceeding those of a tropical storm and the potential to cause widespread damage over a broader area.

What are natural threats to information systems?

Lightening, Storms, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, tornadoes

What are the natural threats to information systems?

Lightening, Storms, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, tornadoes

Are natural disasters also storms?

No. Only some are. Blizzard, hurricanes and tornadoes are storms, but earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions are not.