Yes, scientists can look at space and take pictures of it.. the first time this happened was in the mid 1960's when the voyager was launched. It sent back picture's of space to Earth.. almost half a century later it has final reached the edges of our milky way and take pictures of beyond.
A light year is a distance measurement because it would take something a year travelling at the speed of light to cross. It is called a light year because it helps astrologers/scientists understand the vastness of the distance between two things; for example, Our Galaxy (The Milky Way Galaxy) and our nearest Galaxy (Andromeda Galaxy)
No... just go ouside too a lake and take a picture :)
The Sun - and the Solar System - are about 26,000 light-years from the Milky Way's center. It takes an estimated 225 million years to go once around the galaxy.
its a phototaker you don't have to take it with your hands if you wish to take a picture it will takee it for you
About one. Our galaxy is surrounded by several dwarf galaxies, that are extremely close to us.About one. Our galaxy is surrounded by several dwarf galaxies, that are extremely close to us.About one. Our galaxy is surrounded by several dwarf galaxies, that are extremely close to us.About one. Our galaxy is surrounded by several dwarf galaxies, that are extremely close to us.
Yes, you can take a black and white picture with your Samsung Galaxy s4. All you need to do is go change the setting before you take the picture.
Satilights take pictures of the galaxy, and scientists make hypothesizes.
No. We can't take a picture of the whole Milky Way from inside the middle of it. We would need to somehow get a camera outside of the galaxy to take that picture.
Capturing a photo of our entire galaxy, the Milky Way, from the outside is challenging due to its vast size and structure. We are located within the galaxy, making it difficult to capture an external view. However, astronomers have created composite images using data from various telescopes to provide an artistic representation of what our galaxy may look like.
Brightens up the picture, like if you were to take a picture in the dark then it wouldnt make the picture black it would make it able for you to see it
Yes. To do so, you must follow these steps: Select a contact, tap on the edit icon, and then tap on the picture icon. It will give you an option to take a picture, or choose one from your library.
Technically, you cannot take a picture of our own galaxy from outside, as the camera would have to travel tens of thousands of light-years out of the galaxy to do so. However, if you're on Earth, you see a large stream of countless stars in the night sky. That is part of the milky way galaxy. The "pictures" you see in the newspapers are just artists' impressions of how the Milky Way would look, not the actually appearance.
Our galaxy is very large, it would take several hundred years travelling at the speed of light just to get out of it, then thousands of years more at that speed to get far enough out to look back for a good picture. The incredible distances involved mean that we cant take an external shot of our own galaxy, the best we can do is take pictures within the galaxy and put a map together that way. We are limited to what we can see of our galaxy from where we are though, as there is a lot of intergalactic gas and dust obscuring our view.
The eBay mobile app can take a picture of an item and can also enable you search for the price of the item.
No, but you can take pictures from what is on the screen Like if you had a picture up on your ipod you would be able to take a picture like that. You cannot take pictures of where you are (like a restaurant).
Any dog that can take a picture should be able to sell it too.
Press the home button and the lock button at the same time and the picture will be saved in a folder called screen capture in the galary .