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that's a good question but the anser is definatly in the question ,in my opinion their both constructive yes as they b uild up over time and destructive definatly to little seaside towns as i live beside one

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Oma O'Reilly

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Q: Are sand dunes a destructive or constructive force?
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Is a delta formed by constructive erosion?

No, a delta is formed by deposition of sediment carried by a river as it enters a body of water like a lake or an ocean. Constructive erosion refers to the process of creating new landforms through deposition of sediment and is not associated with delta formation.

What are four examples of natural forces that fit both constructive and destructive forces?

Water can be a constructive force by shaping landforms through erosion and deposition, but it can also be destructive in the form of floods and tsunamis. Wind can create sand dunes and reshape landscapes constructively, but it can also lead to destructive forces such as hurricanes and tornadoes. Volcanoes can build new landforms like islands through lava flows, but they can also cause destruction through eruptions, ash fall, and volcanic gases. Earthquakes can create mountains and valleys through tectonic activity, but they can also be destructive in terms of ground shaking, tsunamis, and landslides.

What landforms are in myrtle beach caused by constructive forces?

Some landforms in Myrtle Beach caused by constructive forces include barrier islands, sand dunes, and beaches. Constructive forces like waves, currents, and wind shape and deposit sand along the coast, creating these features. Over time, these landforms continue to evolve and change due to ongoing constructive processes.

What are mounds of loose sand?

Mounds of loose sand are called sand dunes. They are formed by the accumulation of sand carried by the wind and can vary in size and shape. Sand dunes play a vital role in coastal protection and as habitats for various plant and animal species.

Is long shore drift evidence of constructive or destructive waves?

Longshore drift is evidence of constructive waves. Constructive waves carry and deposit sediment along the coastline, resulting in the movement of sand and material parallel to the shore. This process helps build up beaches and create landforms such as spits and barrier islands.

Related questions

Is sand dunes a constructive or destructive force?

A sand dune is a Constructive force.

Is a sand dune destructive or constructive?

A sand dune is a Constructive force.

What is a constructive force created by wind?

sand dunes

Is a sand mountain a destructive force?

Im not sure if sand mountain is constructive or destructive

Is a delta formed by constructive erosion?

No, a delta is formed by deposition of sediment carried by a river as it enters a body of water like a lake or an ocean. Constructive erosion refers to the process of creating new landforms through deposition of sediment and is not associated with delta formation.

Are sand dunes destructive or constructive?

they are actually both because they help the water to not get on shore and flood the town

Is sand mountain a constructive or destructive?

Im not sure if sand mountain is constructive or destructive

Are sand dunes constructive or deconstructive?


What erosional force can make sand dunes?

The force of winds shapes sand dunes.

What erosional force forms sand dunes?

Wind is the erosional force that forms sand dunes.

What can help prevent from sand dunes migrating?

Nothing can help sand dunes from moving , it is a force of nature.

What force of nature effects sand dunes?

wind erosion creates sand dunes