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Q: Are protist asexual reproducers
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Is a Philippine tarsier sexual or asexual reproducers?

they are sexually reproducers, that's why they are becoming endangered less and less of them want to reproduce, or they are being hunted.

What are advantages of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction generates offspring that are genetically identical to a single parent. Asexual reproduction allows the organisms to reproduce very quickly. Asexual reproducers do not have to carry their offspring for a long amount of time and produce more than one at a time. Asexual reproducers do not have to spend time looking for a mate.

What reproduce through asexual reproduction?

Sponges, mostly. Most worms are sexual and asexual reproducers though, too.

Is a krill a asexual reproducer?

No, krill are not asexual reproducers. They reproduce sexually, with females laying eggs that are fertilized by males.

Are protist asexual?


Are protist asexual or asexual?

most of them are asexual but they can be sexual too, depends on the organism you are wondering about if it is bacteria then it is asexual, if it is a animal or plant it is sexual. penis inside vagina!

When will protist that normally reproduce asexual reproduce sexually?


What is the form of asexual reproduction used by protist?

reproduce asexually

How do bacteria typically reproduce?

Bacteria generally reproduce by splitting in half, a process called Mitosis. They are asexual reproducers. it is more commonly called binary fission.

What are the differences asexual and sexual reproduction?

Asexual organisms can produce offspring on their own,a plants arm falling off and the arm turns into a plant is a example of this.Sexual organisms need a partner to produce offspring,humans are a example of sexual reproducers.

Does asexual reproduction incress or decress diversity?

Decreases diversity because asexual reproduction is almost a cloning process and the progenitor organism transmits 100% of it's genetic endowment to it's off spring while sexually reproducing organisms contribute 50% each in genetic material and, with independent assortment, crossing over a random fertilization, sexually reproducing organisms posses much more genetic diversity that asexual reproducers. In fact some biologists think that when more complex organisms go this route that they are headed for extinction. Less complex asexual reproducers have a high mutation rate and have mechanisms for exchanging genetic material laterally.

What animals reproduce themselves?

No animals impregnate themselves. Even hermaphrodites such as earthworms, which possess both male and female reproductive systems - have to exchange sperm with another of their species in order to reproduce.