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No, Plants are not more efficient. Animals are more efficient because they coordinate by hormones and CNS ( Central Nervous System ). But plants coordinate only by hormones, therefore animals are more efficient.

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Q: Are plant cells more efficient in carrying out its functions than animal cells?
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Examples of specialized animal cells?

Examples of specialized animal cells include red blood cells, which are specialized for carrying oxygen, and muscle cells, which are specialized for contraction and movement. Other examples include nerve cells (neurons) which are specialized for transmitting electrical impulses, and sperm cells which are specialized for fertilization.

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What are a group of cells of similair morphology carrying out common functions?

A group of cells with similar morphology carrying out common functions is called a tissue. Tissues work together to perform specific functions in the body. Examples include muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and epithelial tissue.

What is a feature of most animal cells?

Most animal cells contain a nucleus, which houses the cell's genetic material. They also typically have a cell membrane that surrounds and protects the cell, as well as various organelles responsible for carrying out specific functions within the cell.

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Human skin cells, plant cells, and animal cells are all eukaryotic cells, meaning they have a defined nucleus and organelles. They are also capable of carrying out cellular functions such as energy production, growth, and reproduction. However, plant cells have cell walls composed of cellulose and contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis, while animal cells lack these structures.

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What phase is most of the human body cells in?

G1 (same as G0) <- The beginning of interphase (when your cells are carrying out their normal functions.

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A group of similar cells carrying out a job is called a tissue. Tissues are comprised of cells that work together to perform specific functions within an organism.

Does a polar bear have plant or animal cells?

A polar bear has animal cells. Animal cells are the basic building blocks of most animals, including mammals like polar bears. Plant cells have different structures and functions compared to animal cells.

Is organelles in plant cells or animal cells?

Organelles are found in both plant and animal cells. They are the "little organs" within cells that allow the cell to carry out particular functions.

Why is the shape of liver and cheek cells different if they are both animal cells?

They have different Histological functions.

How many functions do animal cells carry out?

They carry out one function.