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No, although it is difficult to spot exoplanets, so only the larger ones are often found. Most systems with identified planets most likely have many other smaller planets that we cant detect. A planet the size of Earth or Mercury is nearly impossible to detect with current technology.

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3mo ago

No, planetary systems around stars are actually quite common. Many stars have been discovered to host planets, and it is believed that most stars in the universe have at least one planet orbiting them. The discovery of exoplanets in our galaxy suggests that planetary systems are not extremely rare.

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No, it's the other way around; our solar system is a (very tiny!) part of our Galaxy. Our galaxy is many BILLIONS of stars, most of which probably have (or perhaps, once had) some sort of planetary or asteroid system in orbit around them. Scientists once thought that planetary systems like our solar system would be scarce. But recent discoveries have found planets circling many or most of the nearby stars.

Do many stars have planets around them?

Yes, recent research has found that a large percentage of stars have planetary systems. It is now believed that planets are a common feature in our galaxy, with some stars possibly hosting multiple planets. The discovery of thousands of exoplanets in the last few decades has increased our understanding of the prevalence of planets in the universe.

What are stars systems?

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How many planets in your univerese?

The number of planets is not known. The number of stars is not known either, nor if all have planetary systems. Certainly many billions of billions.

Which one is the biggest the planetary system or galaxy?

A galaxy is far larger. A planetary system involves one or more planets revolving around a single star. A Galaxy consists of billions of stars.