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Q: Are plains different from fields
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Where are the oil fields in the interior plains?

Some major oil fields in the interior plains of North America are located in Alberta, Canada, particularly in areas such as the Athabasca Oil Sands. In the United States, oil fields are found in states like North Dakota and Montana. These regions are known for their significant reserves of oil and natural gas.

Why are there plains in Ireland?

Ireland does have large areas of relatively flat land, which would be the closest thing to the common idea of plains. Much of that land is farmland and as such would be fenced, walled or separated by trees or hedgerows in parts.

What is the widest plateau in the Philippines?

The largest plain in the Philippines could be located in Central Luzon. One could find the largest rice fields in the Philippines here.

What are the physical features in the interior plains?

The interior plains typically feature flat or gently rolling landscapes, with fertile soil and abundant rivers. These plains are typically found in the central part of continents and are ideal for agriculture and human settlement. The lack of significant elevation changes contributes to the plains' vast expanses.

What does the land look likemoutains and plains?

Mountains have steep, elevated peaks with rocky terrain, while plains are flat expanses of land with minimal elevation changes. Mountains typically have rugged terrain and are often covered in forests, while plains are more suitable for agriculture and are characterized by grasslands or crop fields.

Related questions

What are the plains like?

Plains are just like open fields they just have no hills. I hope this helps you with your answer

Are there endangered plants in high plains?

cotton fields

What are facts about high plains?

cotton fields 12,000 acres

What are two types of grasslands?

Grasslands include fields and plains

What are the different names of plains in Trinidad?

The Caroni Plains, The Nariva Plains and the Naparima Plains

Where is the biggest plains in the Philippines?

The biggest plains in the Philippines are located in Central Luzon, specifically in the provinces of Pampanga and Tarlac. These plains are known for their expansive rice fields and agricultural production.

What are the different fields in general business?

1- What are five different fields of business? Answer :

European settlers and Americans transformed the Great Plains from to?

natural grassland; fields of corn

Europeans settlers and Americans transformed the great plains from?

natural grassland; fields of corn

Why do bison live in Kansas?

Because of the plains and fields of grass that make it possible for them to thrive.

How are mountain and plains different?

plains are flat, mountains are rugged.

What was the northwest of Plains Indians like?

The Northwestern tribes were not plains tribes. They were in a different region from the plains.