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The micronucleus controls reproduction in the Paramecium.

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3mo ago

Paramecium undergoes a form of asexual reproduction called binary fission, where the cell divides into two daughter cells. They do not undergo sexual reproduction since they reproduce by simple cell division.

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What is the sexual reproduction in the paramecium called?

levon cooper Conjugation Maybe

What protist has 2 nuclei?

The protist that has two nuclei is Paramecium. It has a large macronucleus involved in regulating cellular functions and a smaller micronucleus involved in sexual reproduction.

Which protozoan reproduces by binary fission and conjugation?

The protozoan Paramecium reproduces by binary fission, which is a form of asexual reproduction where the cell divides into two daughter cells. Additionally, Paramecium also reproduces by conjugation, which is a form of sexual reproduction where two cells exchange genetic material.

What type of sexual reproduction in paramecium?

paramecium reproduces asexually by fission. where the length of the paramecium increases, a constriction is formed in the middle of the cell. this constriction increases until the one cell splits into two paramecia :D

What is the macronucleus and micronucleus in paramecium?

The macronucleus is larger and controls all functions except reproduction. The micronucleus is smaller and controls reproduction. Some paramecium have more than one micronucleus, but all have at least one.

What is the name of paramecium reproduction?

Paramecium reproduces asexually through binary fission, where the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. They can also undergo conjugation, a form of sexual reproduction, where genetic material is exchanged between two individual cells.

How does a Paramecium make babies?

Paramecia reproduce asexually through a process called binary fission, where the cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells. This rapid form of reproduction allows Paramecia to quickly increase their population size in favorable conditions.

What if the form reproduction of paramecium?


Is macronucleus sexual or asexual?

The macronucleus is involved in asexual reproduction in ciliated protozoa, such as Paramecium. It controls most cellular functions, including growth and development, but is not directly involved in sexual processes.

What is the advantage of conjugation of a paramecium?

Conjugation in Paramecium allows for genetic exchange between two cells, leading to increased genetic diversity. This process helps in repairing damaged DNA and introducing new genetic variations that enhance the adaptability and survival of the population.

Why paramecium never gets old.?

This is because it keeps on dividing into new paramecium by reproduction

Which structure of a paramecium is analogous to a reserve copy of all the cell's genes?

The micronucleus of a Paramecium is analogous to a reserve copy of all the cell's genes. It contains the genetic material necessary for sexual reproduction and genetic recombination.