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Q: Are multiple categories is a characteristic of a general and specific rubric?
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Why are there different sections of the library?

Usually books are separated into these basic categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Reference Although depending on your library, there can be more specific categories or more categories in general.

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Lists taxonomic categories in order from most specific to most general?

Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom

Why can you only do three categories max on this site?

We try to limit the amount of categories because we want people to put the questions into the most specific category, and not leave them in a lot of more general categories. It doesn't always work perfectly, but it usually is okay.

What is general merit list?

general categories

Is Georgia a common noun?

Yes, "Georgia" is a proper noun because it is the name of a specific place. Common nouns refer to general, non-specific categories of things such as "state" or "country."

For a gene that has multiple alleles more than 2 what is the maximum number of different allels a normal individual can have?

2. Even though there are multiple alleles for the same characteristic in the general population, an individual can only have two.

What are two general characteristics that define each cloud type?

Cirrus clouds are wispy and high-altitude clouds composed of ice crystals. They are often associated with fair weather. Cumulonimbus clouds are vertically-developed clouds that can bring thunderstorms, heavy rain, and severe weather. They have a dense, towering appearance.

What is the general term for any level in a taxonomic system?

The general term for any level in a taxonomic system is a "taxon." Taxa can range from broad categories like kingdom to specific categories like genus or species, depending on the level of classification being considered.

What two general categories can be used to classify most of the elements on the periodic table?

There are 2 most general categories. These are metals and non-metals.