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yes is a correct answer.

  1. yes because its a peninsula
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4w ago

Yes, Michigan is surrounded by water on three sides. It is bordered by Lake Michigan to the west, Lake Huron to the east, and Lake Superior to the north.

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3 sides

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3 sides

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A narrow strip of land surrounded on three sides by water is called a peninsula.

How many sides of a peninsula are surrounded by water?

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A peninsula has water on how many sides?

A peninsula has water on three sides, as it is surrounded by water on three of its four sides.

What is Land that is surrounded by 3 sides of water is called a?

a peninsula.

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Is India is peninisula?

Land scape which is surrounded by water in 3 side is called as Peninsula. India is surrounded by water in 3 sides, so India is a Peninsula.

What is name given to a body of land with water surrounding it?

Island if it is surrounded on 4 sides Peninsula if it surrounded on 3 Coast if it is surrounded on 1 I'm not sure about 2 sides however