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1w ago

Yes, fossil sponges are among the oldest known animal fossils, dating back to over 600 million years ago. These simple multicellular organisms have left imprints in the rock record, providing valuable information about early animal evolution and Earth's history.

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Q: Are fossil sponges one of the oldest known animal fossils?
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Where was the oldest Fossil found?

The oldest humanoid fossils were all found in Africa.

What is the oldest animal in existence?

My vote goes to the sponges.

Was a women fossil found to be the oldest?

No. Trilobite fossils are much older.

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The worlds oldest fossils were found in an ancient beach in Austrila, they are 3.4 billion years old and are fossils of cells. They have no bones and are mineralized spheres.

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Cannot be done as the Earth is much older than the oldest fossils.

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The archaeologist who found the oldest human fossils in the Great Rift Valley is Dr. Richard Leakey. He discovered the fossils in the Turkana Basin in Kenya, which have provided important insights into human evolution.

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Evolutionists typically say that the oldest fossils are found at the bottom of the fossil record, with more recent fossils found in higher layers. This ordering is based on the principle of superposition, which states that in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rocks are at the bottom and the youngest are at the top.

On what continent have the oldest fossils been found on?

A recent discovery in Australia has shown fossil microorganisms dating back 3.4 billion years.

Which epoch does the oldest fossil bat come from?

The oldest fossil bats belong to the early Eocene epoch, dating back to around 52 million years ago. Some of the earliest known bat fossils have been found in locations such as the Green River Formation in North America and the Messel Pit in Germany.

When digging in rock where can the oldest fossils be found?

The oldest fossils can typically be found in sedimentary rock layers, specifically in locations with well-preserved rocks that have not undergone significant geological activity like metamorphism. These fossils provide valuable insight into the Earth's early history and the evolution of life.

What are the oldest know fossils?

from what i know I'd say the oldest fossil is Dimetrodon,a giant carnivorous lizard with a sail on it's back. PROBABLY an ancestor of the gecko (gecko's don't have sails on there backs)