

Are diamonds polymers

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: Are diamonds polymers
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What is meant by water soluble polymers?

Water soluble polymers are polymers that will dissolve in water.

A large molecule synthesized from many monomers is called a what?

they are called polymers

What are the polymers of carbohydrate's?

The polymers of carbohydrates are polysaccharide.

What are the polymers that are produced in factories called?


Why are synthetic polymers often used in place of natural material?

Synthetic polymers are cheaper than natural polymers. Natural polymers are also less plentiful.

What are large molecules made up of smaller molecules?

The answer is polymer. Could also be referring to Macromolecule

Are compounds that have repeating subunits?

Yes, these are the polymers.

Does protein has polymers with many subunits?

Proteins are not polymers.

Are polyols the same as vinyl polymers?

No they are not. Polyols are polyalcohols. Vinyl polymers are polymers of monomers of the type CH2=CHX .

Why do natural polymers not pose as much of an issue in landfills as synthetic polymers Natural polymers are cheap to recycle and synthetic polymers are expensive to recycle. Natural polymers are expe?

Natural polymers are biodegradable, meaning they can be broken down by bacteria and other organisms in the environment. This process helps to reduce the amount of natural polymers going to landfills. Synthetic polymers, on the other hand, are not easily biodegradable and can persist in the environment for a long time, contributing to landfill waste issues.

When monomers combine they form what?

Monomers hook up to form polymers. There is a link below that will lead you to the Wikipedia post on polymers.Water is also produced, this is a condensation reaction.

What statement is NOT true about polymers?

Lots of statements are not true about polymers.