

Are daimonds rare

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Are daimonds rare
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What gems is Russia known for?

DiamondsAlexandrite (rare)Chrysoberyl (rare)Demantoid (rare)Chrome DiopsideMalachiteAgateJadeiteCharoiteAmberSeraphiniteRhodonite

Is red Jasper rare?

yes it is very rare and hard to find

What are some rare plants in the Amazon rain forest?

plants are rare sometimes

What is rare earth?

Rare earth is another name (old) for lanthanides or lanthanoids.

When was Rare Earths Facility created?

Rare Earths Facility was created in 1931.

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the natural resources in Angola are petrol,daimonds

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U mean materialistic then it is DAIMONDS PERFUMES CRUISE VACCATION and otherwise just unconditional love respect and be there for her in alltimes good n bad

What rock do daimonds come from?

The Diamond is known as an allotrope of carbon and is the hardest natural mineral in the world. Diamonds are formed through carbon which is derived from the melting of pre-existing rocks in the Earth's upper mantle.

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there are 2 different types of 'rare'. There is Super Rare and rare. Doris = Rare :)

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a rare opportunity

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its SUPER RARE!!!!!!

What is correct rare specie or rare species?

It is a rare species

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She is ultra rare

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He is definetly rare. As rare as he can be.

Is the Yu-Gi-Oh card cyber jar rare?

its a rare a super rare and a parallel rare

What does ultra rare and rare mean?

Ultra rare ~ Extremely rare! If you have this Moshi Monster... WOW! Rare ~ Good, but it could be better! Normal ~ Nevermind!