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Yes, you can think of chromosomes tightly wound up DNA and chromatin as unwound DNA.

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Q: Are chromosome more condense than chromatin?
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Use chromatin in a sentence?

The word "chromatin" can be used in many ways in a sentence; for example, as a way of indicating its molecular significance: "Chromatin performs important DNA-related functions for cells." It can also be used more generally, such as in the following sentence: "The student was required to prepare a report on 'chromatin' for the next class."

Why does the X chromosome affect an organisms phenotype more than the Y chromosome?

The X chromosome contains considerably more genetic material than the Y chromosome.

Is chromatin paper the same as construction paper?

No its entirely different. Chromatin paper is uses to separate colors. I think its more similar to foil than construction paper.

Is it true or false The length of DNA ina chromosome may be as much as 10000 times as long as the chromosome itself?

True. The DNA in a chromosome is tightly packaged and condensed, so the actual length of DNA in a chromosome can be much longer than the physical length of the chromosome itself. This is possible due to the coiling and folding of DNA around histone proteins to form chromatin, allowing for a significant amount of genetic material to be compacted within a small space.

What does the chromatin material get organised into during cell division?

During cell division, chromatin material gets organized into tightly packed structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes contain DNA that carries the genetic information of the cell, crucial for proper cell division and inheritance of genetic traits.

Related questions

Why does chromatin condense to form chromosomes?

Chromatin condenses into chromosomes during cell division to ensure that the genetic material can be accurately divided and distributed to daughter cells. This condensation allows for easier separation and movement of the genetic material during processes like mitosis and meiosis.

Use chromatin in a sentence?

The word "chromatin" can be used in many ways in a sentence; for example, as a way of indicating its molecular significance: "Chromatin performs important DNA-related functions for cells." It can also be used more generally, such as in the following sentence: "The student was required to prepare a report on 'chromatin' for the next class."

Why does the X chromosome affect an organisms phenotype more than the Y chromosome?

The X chromosome contains considerably more genetic material than the Y chromosome.

Do humans have chromosome?

yes, more than 1

Is chromatin paper the same as construction paper?

No its entirely different. Chromatin paper is uses to separate colors. I think its more similar to foil than construction paper.

Is it true or false The length of DNA ina chromosome may be as much as 10000 times as long as the chromosome itself?

True. The DNA in a chromosome is tightly packaged and condensed, so the actual length of DNA in a chromosome can be much longer than the physical length of the chromosome itself. This is possible due to the coiling and folding of DNA around histone proteins to form chromatin, allowing for a significant amount of genetic material to be compacted within a small space.

The Y chromosome is larger and carries fewer genes than the X chromosome?

The Y chromosome is smaller than the X chromosome and carries fewer genes because it has lost many genes over evolutionary time. The Y chromosome primarily carries genes involved in male sex determination and development.

Do more complex organisms always have more chromosome than simpler organisms do?


Do more-complex organisms always have more chromosome than simpler organisms do?


What does the chromatin material get organised into during cell division?

During cell division, chromatin material gets organized into tightly packed structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes contain DNA that carries the genetic information of the cell, crucial for proper cell division and inheritance of genetic traits.

Is DNA bigger than chromatin fiber?

Yes, DNA is bigger than individual chromatin fibers. Chromatin fibers are made up of DNA wrapped around histone proteins, while DNA refers to the entire genetic material in a cell, which includes both the condensed and uncondensed forms of chromatin.

Why do more males end up with sex-linked disorders?

More males than females end up with sex-linked disorders because of the y chromosome. It is shorter than the x-chromosome, and increases susceptibility to these problems.