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DUMB DUMB DUMB---->No. The human genome is the human genome regardless of race.


Please leave the social politics out of this. Yes. Geographically separated breeding groups over thousands of years do develop small percentage of difference in genetic diversity. The difference between humans and chimpanzees is on the order of 1.6%. The difference between different human racial groups in the range of 0.02 to 0.1%.

Biologist are learning that gene expression is a more powerful determiner in biological function than previously believed. So genetic mutation and gene expression are the two most important factors in determines our functional differences.

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1mo ago

No, basic human genetics are not different based on race. All humans share about 99.9% of their genetic code, and the concept of race is a social construct rather than a biological one. Genetic variations exist among individuals within any racial group, and there is more genetic diversity within racial groups than between them.

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Which is the physically strongest human race?

There is no single "physically strongest" human race as physical strength can vary greatly within each race. Factors such as genetics, diet, and training play a significant role in determining an individual's strength rather than their race.

Which chromosome determines a child's race?

Race is a social construct and not determined by a single chromosome. Traits that are often associated with race, such as skin color, are influenced by multiple genes across different chromosomes. It is important to understand that race is a complex and multifaceted concept that goes beyond genetic inheritance.

What determines the race of a newborn?

The race of a newborn is determined by the combination of genetic information they inherit from their parents, including genes that influence physical traits such as skin color, hair texture, and eye color. These genetic characteristics can vary widely among different individuals and populations.

Are Turks human or part of the human race?

Turks are human and are part of the human race. They are a diverse ethnic group with origins in Turkey and neighboring regions. It is important to respect all individuals and groups as part of the broader human race.

What is the human Race O?

The human race refers to the collective group of individuals that belong to the species Homo sapiens. It is characterized by shared physical traits, such as bipedalism and large brains, as well as cultural characteristics like language and complex societies.

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It appears there may be a typo in your question. Perhaps you meant "genetics," which is the study of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms. Genetics helps us understand how traits are passed from parents to offspring and how variations in DNA can lead to different characteristics.

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There is no single "physically strongest" human race as physical strength can vary greatly within each race. Factors such as genetics, diet, and training play a significant role in determining an individual's strength rather than their race.

Confusion about ethnic and racial groups?

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No, but genetics will...

Does the human-eating race exist?

There has been no entire race of cannibals. Cannabalism has occurred at different times and places in every race.

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In early 2014, there are 56.1 million members of the human race in England.

What is race based on?

Race is a social construct based on physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and facial features. It is used to categorize groups of people who share these characteristics, but is not a scientifically valid way to classify human beings.

What race are you if you are American?

Caucasianlatinasianafricanindianetc. There are many different races and heritages in America, so there isn't just on uniform race everyone goes by other than the human race.