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No. Equinoxes are something totally different. The area between the tropics and polar regions are known as temperate regions.

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No. They are called the northern and southern temperate zones.

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Q: Are areas between the tropics and polar regions called equinoxes?
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What are the areas near the equator called?

Tropical Rain forests

Are the latitudes north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle called high middle or low latitude regions?

"High" latitudes. The equator has a latitude of zero. The area between the Tropic of Cancer (at 23.5 degrees north) and the Tropic of Capricorn (at 23.5 degrees south) are the "tropics" or low latitudes. The "polar regions" are above the Arctic Circle or below the Antarctic Circle, where the latitudes are higher than 66.5 degrees (north or south) are "high". The areas between the tropics and the arctic/antarctic are called "mid-latitudes or "temperate zones".

Why are tropial rainforests called tropical rainforests?

Because they are located in an area of the Earth known as the "tropics", between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and there is an abundace of rain.

What are the areas between the equator and the tropics called?

The major imaginary latitudinal lines on the earth's suface from north to south are - * the Arctic Circle * the Tropic of Cancer * the Equator * the Tropic of Capricorn * the Antarctic Circle

Which climatic zone extends to about 60 north latitude and 60 south latitude?

The regions between about 23.5 degrees to 60 degrees, north and south, are often called the "temperate" zones. From 23.5S to 23.5N are the "tropics", the area between the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer.

Name of the Tropic in the Northern Hemisphere?

There are tropics north of and south of the equator. One is called the Tropic of Cancer, and the other is called the Tropic of Capricorn. The "tropics" are between these lines, more or less.

What is the tropic called in between the tropic of cancer and of capicorn?

The area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is called the tropics or the tropical zone. This region is known for its warm temperatures and diverse ecosystems.

Do moose leave in tropical rain forest?

No, moose do not live in the tropics at all. Most moose live in subarctic regions. They live in coniferous forests called taiga.