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Q: Are all volcanoes found above ground?
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Is all igneous rock formed by volcanoes?

No. Igneous rock is simply the solid substance left when magma or lava hardens, above ground or below ground.

Location of all volcanoes?

On the ground. There is one on Mars, too.

Why will vocanoes erupts?

volcanoes eruption is developed from all the gases and movement under ground.

Where are nearly all volcanoes in the world found?

in the pacific ring of fire

Does parsley grow in the ground or above ground?

Parsley is a herb, the roots grow in soil, the stalks and leaves grow above ground, the parts of the plant we used as a herb all grow above ground.

Are volcano's mountains?

Not all volcanoes are mountains though most do form mountains. Some volcanoes form as simple fissures in the ground. There is a so-called supervolcano in Yellowstone that, does not take the form of a mountain. Kimberlite volcanoes also erupt too violently to form mountains.

Why do you suppose grasshoppers are not found above the field layer?

Its because they aren't built for digging, and all there food is found in flowers and bushes above ground. Going to the ground could mean meeting ants, spiders, and more likely to get squished on be a larger animal.

Do all volcanoes erupt lava?

Lava emissions are found with all active volcanoes, although some volcano emit more lave than others.

Which hemisphere is volcanoes most common in?

Volcanoes are most commonly found in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which includes the western coast of the Americas, eastern coast of Asia, and islands in the Pacific Ocean. So they are most common in the Northern Hemisphere.

Can cold deserts be found at ground level?

ALL deserts are found at ground level. They do not float in the air.

What do Scientists refer to all above ground freshwater environments with moving water as .?

Scientists refer to all above ground freshwater environments with moving water as lotic ecosystems.

Do all volcanoes have kimberlite?

No, not all volcanoes have kimberlite. Kimberlite is a type of volcanic rock that often contains diamonds, but it is only found in specific geological settings. Other types of volcanoes can be composed of different types of magma and erupt different types of rocks.