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They can be. Some radioactive elements are chemical poisons, apart from their radioactivity, but beyond some fairly low level, the radiation itself can damage cells and tissues. High radiation doses can cause biological tissues (that's US!) to break down fairly quickly causing rapid death, and moderate radiation doses can cause cancers which can kill you over longer time periods.

Low doses of radiation are probably harmless; the level of "low" is a matter of some dispute among scientists and doctors.

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2mo ago

Yes, radioactive materials can be dangerous because they emit radiation that can harm living organisms by damaging cells and DNA, potentially leading to cancer or other health problems. Proper handling and containment of radioactive materials are necessary to prevent exposure and protect health.

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14y ago

Radioactivity can be harmful if living things are exposed to it for prolonged periods of time. There are many useful things that radioactivity does for us, particularly in the fields of medicne and in energy generation and production. But we don't want to be around unstable radionuclides for any length of time if we have a choice.

Radioactivity is the particles and/or energy emissions from unstable atomic nuclei, and these emissions are considered ionizing radiation. They can cause tissue damage, and are generally best avoided.

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12y ago

This is a very broad question. Radioactivity is not one single thing. Different materials emit different forms of radiation and these can be harmful to varying degrees. Radiation causes damage by ionising the molecules and chemicals in tissue to change their structure and thus affect their function.

There are 3 types of radiation:

  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Gamma

If you have a particular material in mind, then it would be best to try and find out what form of radiation it emits. It could be any of them or any combination of them as a material can emit more than 1 radiation. Then do a bit of research on the effects of that form of radiation. In general, exposure to a minor source for a short period of time should not be dangerous, but steps should always be taken to protect yourself from direct contact. Always limit the time of exposure, if possible cover exposed body parts, and take any other reasonable precautions.

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13y ago

Yes, because these rays can pass through the body and can damage internal organs.

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15y ago

In large quantities, yes. But the amount of radiation you are exposed to in medical x-rays is an extremely small amount, and is not likey to cause you any harm.

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12y ago

Yes they are bad

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10y ago

no it is not all harmfull

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Q: Are radioactive materials dangerous
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Are radioactive materials dangerous Explain?

yeah! almost all radioactive materials are dangerous, from these material radioactive rays are originated which are namely alpha,beta,gamma and when these rays strike to the body so it leave incurable burn,however its small amount is also harmful such as: the radioactive material named radium are found in varieties of wrist watches so its also harmful for human health X-Rays are electromagnetic rays and these are also harmful but not so much therefore physicians avoids for X-rays reports but in severe condition they are compel to do that advise There are two type of radioactive element one is natural radioactive and other is artificial radioactive element From natural radioactive element radioactive rays are always originated so,radioactive materials are dangerous even it is artificial or natural

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In that case, the radioactive materials will pollute the atmosphere.

What is the difference between radioactive and non radioactive materials?

Radioactive materials contain unstable atoms that decay and emit radiation, while non-radioactive materials do not emit radiation. Radioactive materials can be harmful to living organisms due to their ionizing radiation, whereas non-radioactive materials are generally considered safe for everyday use.

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Hazard Class 7 is the class for radioactive materials.

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Does radiation need particals?

No, some radioactive materials are not solids. Most radioactive materials are solids (uranium, plutonium, isotopes of many other materials) Some radioactive materials are gases (Radon) or isotopes of gases (Tritium, carbon fourteen, etc.)

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