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Q: Are all living things made up of one or more cells and all cells come from pre-existing cells?
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The idea that all living cells come from preexisting living cells was proposed by?

The idea that all living cells come from preexisting living cells was proposed by Rudolf Virchow in 1855. This principle is known as biogenesis.

What are three conceps of the cell theory?

All living things are made of cells. All cells come from preexisting cells. Cells are the smallest units of life.

The idea that all living cells come from preexisting cells was proposed by who?

Rudolf Virchow

What important concept was propsed by schleidan and schwann?

They developed the cell theroy, this proposes that: 1. Cells are the structural units of all living things 2. Cells are the functioning units of all living things 3. Cells come from preexisting cells

Why do scientist infer from the cell theory that all livings things are related?

because i dont know

According to the cell theory where do all cells come from?

According to the cell theory all living cells come from living cells by multiplying.The cell theory states that:All living things are made up of cells.Cells are the basic unit of living things.Cells are always produced from other cells.

What are the 3 ideas of the cell theory?

All living things are composed of one or more cells.The cell is the basic unit of structure, function, and organization in all organisms.All cells come from preexisting cells.

What are three parts cell theory?

All living things are are composed of cells.........Cells are basic units of structure and function in living things....All cells are produced from other cells.

Do cells come from preexisting cells according to the cell theory?

Yes, the cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of cells, and that cells arise from preexisting cells through cell division. This principle was proposed by Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann in the 19th century.

Which scientist studied how wounds healed and proposed that cells come from preexisting cells?

Rudolf Virchow was the scientist who proposed the calls came from preexisting cells.

Does all modern cells comes from preexisting cells?

yes that is a rule of cells that scientists have proven. all cells come from preexisting cells. how could life have started by itself?

What are 3 main parts of the cell theory?

Cells use diffusion to make new cells or all cells come from preexisting cells Cells are the basic units of structure and function in all living things/ organisms All organisms are uni- or multicellular (one or many celled organisms)