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Yes - especially for skin cancers (especially melanomas).

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Q: Are Ultraviolet rays are carcinogenic.
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How can you use the word carcinogenic in a sentence?

Something that is carcinogenic causes cancer. An example of a sentence using the word "carcinogenic" is "Lobbyists are fighting a new law that would label all cigarette packs as carcinogenic. "

What are some things that might damage genes?

DNA can be damaged by viral infections, carcinogenic chemicals, radiation including ultraviolet and X-rays, and possibly from an error in coding.

What is the frequency range of the ultraviolet light?

200 - 350 nanometers, billionths of a meter. Ultraviolet range is basically divided into three ranges, A, B and C range. Ranges A and B are known carcinogenic rays however C range is not.

Are UV rays carcinogenic?

There are three bands of ultraviolet radiation, each having different effects on the skin:UVA, used to make vitamin D, essential and not carcinogenicUVB, causes sunburns, multiple severe sunburns can eventually cause cancerUVC, yes very carcinogenic as it is ionizing radiation just below soft x-rays in energy

What animal see ultraviolet rays?

Bees can see ultraviolet rays.

Who discovered ultraviolet rays?

Johann Wilhelm Ritter discovered ultraviolet rays

Are X-rays and Gamma rays higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?

Yes, X-rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays.

Do both x rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?

Both Gamma Rays and X Rays have a much high frequency that Ultraviolet Rays.

What wavelengths just a little higher than ultraviolet rays are called?

Wavelengths just higher than ultraviolet rays are called X-rays. X-rays have shorter wavelengths and higher energy than ultraviolet rays.

Ultraviolet rays are visible or not?

Ultraviolet rays cannot be seen or felt. Ever had a sun-burn? I say UV rays can be felt.

Infrared rays have a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet rays?

This statement is incorrect. Infrared rays have a longer wavelength than ultraviolet rays. Infrared rays have wavelengths longer than visible light, while ultraviolet rays have wavelengths shorter than visible light.

What rays can permanently damage skin?

Sun Rays ^-^