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Q: Are Solvents are typically solids
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What do solvents look like?

Solvents are typically liquids, but they can also be in the form of gases or solids. They vary in color, odor, and viscosity depending on the specific chemical composition. Some common solvents include water, acetone, and ethanol.

What do you call these substances that dissolve solids easily?

Generally, solvents.

Nonpolar solvents will most easily dissolve solids that are?

Nonpolar solvents will most easily dissolve solids that are also nonpolar or have weak polar interactions. This is because like dissolves like, meaning substances with similar polarities are more likely to mix together. Examples of nonpolar solids that dissolve well in nonpolar solvents are hydrocarbons like fats, oils, and grease.

Metal solutions or solids dissolved in solids are called?

The substance is usually soluble in water or other solvents such as alcohol. It is called soluble salts

What is the definition for solvent?

A solvent is a substance capable of dissolving another substance to form a solution. Solvents are typically liquids but can also be gases or solids. They are commonly used in many industrial processes and scientific experiments.

Why only liquids are used as solvents but not solids?

In solids, the particles are joined too strongly and are positioned to closely together to allow other particles to mix with it

What are solids that don't dissolve called?

Solids that do not dissolve are called insoluble solids. These substances do not dissolve in water or other solvents due to their chemical properties. Examples include sand, chalk, and plastic.

Does change in pressure affect the solubility of solids?

No, a change in pressure typically does not affect the solubility of solids in liquid solvents. Solids are generally not significantly affected by changes in pressure as compared to gases.

A solvant is what?

A solvent is a substance that dissolves other substances to form a solution. It is typically a liquid, but can also be a gas or a solid in some cases. Solvents are commonly used in various processes such as cleaning, chemical reactions, and extraction.

When things dissolve - what is broken?

When ionic solids dissolve, the ionic bonds that make up the lattice are broken. When molecular solids dissolve in non-polar solvents the intermolecular attracations are broken.

Are solvents mixtures?

Yes, solvents are typically mixtures of different compounds which have the ability to dissolve other substances. Common solvents include water, acetone, ethanol, and hexane.

What is paint thinner and paint gun cleaner are typically classifed as?

They are solvents.