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Q: Are Graphite galena and pyrite are all metallic minerals?
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What is metallic miner?

Metallic minerals are minerals that have a metallic luster, making them very shiny. A few metallic minerals are Graphite, Galena, Magnetite, and Pyrite. The mineral Hematite can be metallic or nonmetallic

What metallic rock do pyrite and galena have?

Pyrite is an iron sulfide mineral, while galena is a lead sulfide mineral. Both minerals are classified as sulfide minerals, which are metallic in nature due to the presence of metallic elements like iron in pyrite and lead in galena.

In what does galena pyrite and hematite tend to distinct in?

galena, pyrite, and hematite all happen to be distinct in their metallic luster.

Shiny minerals are said to have a metallic?

Yes, shiny minerals have a metallic luster due to the way light is reflected off their surfaces. This luster is a physical property of minerals, indicating their metallic appearance. Examples of minerals with metallic luster include pyrite, galena, and hematite.

What rocks have metallic lusters?

Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and hematite are common rocks that exhibit metallic lusters. These minerals contain metals such as iron, copper, lead, and sulfur, giving them a shiny, metallic appearance.

When you say a mineral is metallic you are talking about its?

When a mineral is described as metallic, it means that it has a shiny, reflective surface similar to that of metal. This indicates that the mineral has a high metallic luster, such as that seen in minerals like pyrite or galena.

Which has a metallic luster fluorite or bornite?

Bornite has a metallic luster, while fluorite typically has a non-metallic, vitreous luster. Bornite's color and iridescence give it a shiny metallic appearance, similar to other metallic minerals like pyrite or galena.

What minerals has non-metallic luster and can have the shape of little cubes?

Minerals such as galena, pyrite, and halite can have non-metallic luster and exhibit crystal faces that resemble small cubes. These minerals can often form in cubic or octahedral crystal shapes due to their internal atomic arrangement.

Which group of minerals all normally contain this metallic element in their compositions?

Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite are mineral groups that typically contain the metallic element iron.

Caleb has an opaque reflective mineral It has a what luster?

Caleb's mineral has a metallic luster due to it being opaque and reflective, which is common in minerals like pyrite or galena. This luster gives the mineral a shiny, metallic appearance when exposed to light.

What are ten types of rock that are streak?

Gypsum Hematite Magnetite Pyrite Galena Bornite Chalcopyrite Graphite Cinnabar Sphalerite

Does pyrite have luster?

All minerals have luster. There are different types of luster. Pyrite has metallic luster.