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== == They say it killed recently about 12 million-17 million.So as you can see its very dangerous to live near this volcano or any volcano.

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Major eruptions of Mount Vesuvius occurred in 1631, 1794, and 1944. The 1631 eruption led to significant casualties of around 3,000 people. The eruptions in 1794 and 1944 were less deadly as evacuation measures were implemented, resulting in fewer casualties.

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Q: Apart from the eruption in AD 79 what other eruptions were made by Mount Vesuvius and how many people died from that eruption?
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What else happened apart from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?

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Is magma a explosive eruption and why?

Magma is not an eruption. Magma is a mixture of molten minerals and dissolved gas that is underground. All volcanic eruptions, apart from phreatic eruptions, involve magma.

1883 volcanic eruptions?

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Most common would be a fissure eruption of basaltic magma.

How does magma composition and the resulting eruption affect the form of a volcano?

If the composition of the magma is high in silica, the eruption will be explosive. The Eruption of Mt. St. Helens was an explosive eruption. If the composition of the magma is low in silica, it will produce a quiet eruption. The eruption(s) of Mt. Kilauea are quiet eruptions.

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The most violent eruptions are of the "Plinian" type (named for two Greeks involved with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD). In this type of eruption, huge volumes of ash and lava are ejected explosively, often accompanied by horizontal pyroclastic flows of superheated gas and pulverized rock.Generally, eruptions in subduction zones such as the Andes mountains are more violent, where one tectonic plate is being pushed under another, and melted. Areas like these have the most seismic activity as well. Rift zones- where new crust is forming and pushing the plates apart, such as in Iceland, tend to have less explosive eruptions (basalt lava tends to "ooze" out). The most violent eruption was Krakatoa, because it started on the sea bed, where an empty space formed beneath the lava. The sea bed gave way and millions of tonnes of sea water poured into the hot space, with predictable results. the explosion was heard in London, and the shock wave circled the globe several times.

The world's largest volcanic explosion occurred in 1883 which country when the island of Krakatoa blew itself apart?

False. The island of Krakatoa was indeed destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption in 1883, but it did not plow itself apart, nor was it the largest volcanic eruption. When Krakatoa erupted, it blasted out so much magma, that it left an empty space in the magma chamber. This caused the volcano to collapse in on itself. Such an even is called a caldera forming eruption. The largest eruption of historic times was the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora. Other, prehistoric eruptions have been much larger.

What caused the Eyjafjallokull volcano in Iceland to erupt?

The eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 was caused by the interaction of magma from beneath the Earth's crust with water, resulting in explosive eruptions due to the rapid expansion of steam and gas. The volcano's eruption was also influenced by the movement of tectonic plates in the region.

What happened in the 1350BC Yellowstone eruption?

The 1350 BC was not a super eruption. The last of those in Yellowstone was 640,000 years ago. Instead it was most likely a phreatic eruption, essentially a steam explosion. This type of eruption does not erupt fresh material from magma. Instead water come in contact with magma or superheated rocks underground and flashes to steam, reulting in an explosion. These eruptions can produce clouds of ash as rocks in or on a volcano are blasted apart.

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The last known eruption of Mount Terror, which is part of the Ross Island volcanic group in Antarctica, occurred around 1842-1843 during the Ross Island party expedition led by James Clark Ross. There have been no recorded eruptions since then.

When was the last eruption of Mount Ngauruhoe?

In recorded history, major eruptions have been about 50 years apart,[1] in 1895, 1945 and 1995-1996. Minor eruptions are frequent, with at least 60 since 1945. Some of the minor eruptions in the 1970s generated small ash falls and lahars (mudflows) that damaged skifields. So, the last major one was around 14-15 years ago ;)

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An eruption from the side of a volcano is called a lateral eruption. This type of eruption can occur due to the buildup of pressure in the volcano's magma chamber, causing lava, ash, and other volcanic materials to be expelled from the side of the volcano rather than the summit. Lateral eruptions can pose significant risks to nearby communities and infrastructure.