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This is a long question and I offer the below as guidlines:

I bought a bottel containing the below microbes in a 50% Humate base, (whatever that means).

Lactobacillus acidophilus,

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus,

Bifidobacterium bifidum,

Bifidobacterium langum,

How can I cultivate or make it more?

By making yogurt, does anyway knows of a better way?

I currently make my own yogurt.

With this recipe:

5ml (7.5 south african billion) of the "bugs"

and also 40 000 000 Lactic acid bacillus (Probiotics from capsules)

15ml sugar,

1 Liter milk,

60ml yogurt starter (shop's yoghurt)

Which I incubate at 42 deg cel for about 6-8 hours.

The following questions also arises and I know someone else can just answer them also:

Is it necessary to add the bugs from the bottle or will it be sufficient to just add a starter culture from my previous batch?

If I would like to consume 10 to 20 billion of the "bugs" per day....

How do I know how much microbes are in the yogurt (by estimation) after 6 hours?

How much yogurt do I need to eat to attain that goal? 100ml 3 times per day?

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1w ago

You can grow your own microbes by creating a suitable environment with nutrients and moisture, such as using agar plates or liquid culture media. Sterilization techniques, like autoclaving, are important to prevent contamination. Regular observation and maintenance are also necessary for successful cultivation of microbes.

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Continue Learning about Natural Sciences

How does fungus get inside of you?

Through microbes you breath in then the microbes settle and grow into fungus

Why microbes live in certain areas because of the conditions that they need to grow?


How long does it take for microbes to grow before the enzymes are extracted?

it takes 10hours

If microbes did not grow on your platesdoes mean that the sample was sterileexplain?

There can be other things in the sample beside bacteria that don't grow on this kind of plate like viruses, molds or larger microbes like amoebae. So the sample isn't necessarily sterile.

Why would microbes grow around plant roots more than they would grow in bare soil?

Because they would get more nutrients.

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Probably the easiest mushroom to cultivate in a backyard space is the common white mushroom. It's simple to grow and quite tasty.

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it takes 10hours