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Possible battle neurosis- shell shock or fatigue, common enough in war situations. there is also a wide and wild diversity in what the various observers saw a related case an Irishman saw Saint Mary projected against the clouds, a Frenchman Joan of Arc, and a Russian Anastasia in full armor with a Russian design on her breasplate- so different stroked for different folks. superstition and religion also play a complimentary role. I have never known any vets who had psychic experience like that but war nerves such as instinctively knowing a certain trench was unsafe are protective reflexes, again there might be some sound logic to fall back on,. no pun intended, from technical manuals and so on. There are some things such as Ornithomancy- and bear in mind carrier pigeons were used by the armies in this period, that might make some sense, if soberly analyzed. (Quatro) or ESP type experiences are far more common and not confined to war situations. I once had a thing happen to me on the railroad I was riding as a buff ( hobbyist, but legit) on the Brakeman"s side (left) just felt some urge or something to duck down, and a fuse box blew off- not really exploded but did shatter some fuses and would have been dangerous if I was in immediate contact with it, as I had ducked down- still don"t know why no hazard evolved. it takes all kinds.

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The Angels of Mons was a story that originated during World War I, claiming that angels had intervened to protect British soldiers in battle. However, this is considered to be a fictional or exaggerated account that spread through rumors and anecdotes. It is believed that the story may have provided comfort and hope to soldiers during a time of great adversity and uncertainty.

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What is A logical explanation for events observed in nature?

A logical explanation for events observed in nature is the application of scientific principles and theories to understand the causes and mechanisms behind natural phenomena. By observing, measuring, and experimenting, scientists can develop hypotheses and theories that explain how and why certain events occur in the natural world. This logical approach helps us to make sense of the complexity and interconnectedness of the various processes that shape our environment.

What is the Olympus Mons what is it where is it?

Olympus Mons is the highest point in the universe and is located on Mars

What is the name of the largest volcano on mars?

There is a volcano on Mars called Olympus Mons (in Latin which means Mount Olympus)and it is also the largest volcano in the solar system that we know. There is another volcano on Mars called Tharsis,it is a huge bulge on the Martian surface which is 4000km across and 10 km high.

What is the ablative of altus mons?

The ablative of "altus mons" is "alto monte" in Latin.

What color is Olympus Mons?

Olympus mons is the same shade of red as the natural colour of Mars. Olympus mons is on the eastern near side. And is not a very active volcano at all. NASA are prosuming a mission to mars so we'll find out then. Olympus mons is a bump in the ground looking at mars from a telescope but in the real live Olympus mons it is a non-acting volcano. Olympus mons has a cliff beside it and that is also red like Olympus mons. NASA are making research so hold on and blast off...

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a hypothesis.what is logical explanation for events observed in natureA hypothesis

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