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such objects are identified with the suffix -escence where the root word is the element that is responsible for the light.

When you have Florine as the source of the light you have fluorescence.

When you have phosphorus as the source of the light you have phosphorescence.

and so on.

theoretically every element could contribute to this.

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Q: An object that gives off its own light is said to be?
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What is an object that gives off its own light is said to be?


What is an object that gives off its own light is said to be what?


A object that gives off its own light is a what object?

An object that gives off its own light is called a luminous object. Some examples include the sun, a light bulb, or a burning candle.

An object that gives off its own light?

A star

What are two ways that an object gives of light?

A torch emits light from the bulb. A mirror gives off light by reflection.

How does an object give of light?

An object emits light when its electrons move to higher energy levels within its atoms, then return to lower energy levels, releasing photons in the process. The type and amount of light emitted depend on the object's temperature and composition.

What happens to the light when it hits a green object?

When light hits a green object, the object absorbs all the colors in the light spectrum except for green. Green is reflected off the object, which is why we perceive it as green. This reflection is what gives the object its color.

What object gives off light?

The sun is a natural object that emits light in the form of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. Artificially, light bulbs and LED lights are examples of objects that produce light.

How do you humans see?

light relflects off of the object you are looking at and your retna gives it color as your brain flips the object right-side up

When light does not pass through or bounce off an object it is said to be?

Its Deflected I'm home schooling in 7th grade and it said it in the lesson.

What object in the solar system gives off its own heat and light?

The sun. All other objects reflect heat and light from the sun.

What is a star that gives off no light?

Probably not a star. Could be a black hole, asteroid, or other spacial object.