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V= M/D = 1800 g / 1.8 g/cm3 = 100 cm 3 V= M/D = 1800 g / 1.8 g/cm3 = 100 cm 3

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1mo ago

To find the volume of the object, we can use the formula ρ = m/V, where ρ is density, m is mass, and V is volume. We calculate the volume using the mass and density given for the object: V = m/ρ = 1800 g / 1.8 g/cm3 = 1000 cm3.

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Q: An object of mass 1800 gr has density 1.8grcm3 it is comletely submerged with a liquid whose density is 1 grcm3 what is the volume of the object?
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If you are submerged in a liquid denser than water what will happen to the pressure?

If you are submerged in a liquid denser than water, the pressure exerted on you will be greater than the pressure you would experience while submerged in water. This is because the density of a liquid affects the pressure it exerts on objects submerged in it.

How many fluid does a submerged object displace?

An object submerged in a fluid displaces a volume of fluid equal to its own volume. This is known as Archimedes' principle.

Will the hydrometer float higher in glycerin or in gasoline?

The hydrometer will float higher in glycerin than in gasoline because glycerin is denser than gasoline. The level to which the hydrometer floats indicates the density of the liquid it is submerged in.

How does the density of a body and that of a liquid determine that whether the body will float or sink into that liquid?

If the density of the solid body is greater than the density of the liquid the bodywill sink. If the density of the liquid is greater than the density of the solid thebody will float.If the solid and the liquid have the same density, the solid body can be any whereinside the liquid and may move following currents if they exist in the liquid.Read more:How_does_the_density_of_a_body_and_that_of_a_liquid_determine_that_whether_the_body_will_float_or_sink_into_that_liquid

Comparing the density of a liquid to the density of water is?

Comparing the density of a liquid to water helps determine if the liquid will sink or float in water. If the liquid is denser than water, it will sink, and if it is less dense, it will float. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume, so a higher density means more mass in a given volume.

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How is the upthrust related to volume of the body submerged in a liquid?

The upthrust, or buoyant force, acting on an object submerged in a liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object. The volume of the body submerged in the liquid affects the upthrust because the greater the volume of the body submerged, the more liquid is displaced, resulting in a larger upthrust force.

If you are submerged in a liquid denser than water what will happen to the pressure?

If you are submerged in a liquid denser than water, the pressure exerted on you will be greater than the pressure you would experience while submerged in water. This is because the density of a liquid affects the pressure it exerts on objects submerged in it.

What effect does the density of liquid have on the buoyancy of an object?

The density of the liquid affects the buoyancy of an object by determining how much force the liquid exerts on the object. If the liquid is more dense than the object, the object will float. If the object is more dense than the liquid, the object will sink.

What are the necessary conditions for the body to float in liquid?

For an object to float in a liquid, the buoyant force acting on the object must be equal to or greater than the weight of the object. This depends on the density of the object, the density of the liquid, and the volume of the object submerged in the liquid. The object will float if its density is less than the density of the liquid.

How does the liquid density affects the buoyancy of ojects placed in liquid?

The density of the liquid determines the buoyant force acting on an object placed in it. If the object is denser than the liquid, it will sink. If the object is less dense than the liquid, it will float. The relationship between the density of the object and the density of the liquid affects how much of the object is submerged and the magnitude of the buoyant force.

Where does the ability of an object to float or submerge in water depends on?

ability of an object to float or submerge depends upon the density of the object and on the density of the liquid in which it is submerged if the density of an object is greater than the density of the liquid then the object submerges in the liquid and when its density is less than the density of liquid then it floats on the liquid as in submarines when it takes water in its hollow tank its density increases and it submerges and when it pushes out water from its hollow tanks its density decreases and ot floats on water

What is the relationship of buoyant force and density of liquid?

The buoyant force on an object submerged in a liquid is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid. The density of the liquid affects the buoyant force as denser liquids will exert a greater buoyant force on an object compared to less dense liquids.

Is the magnitude of buoyancy experienced by the objects constant for a particular liquid?

It depends on the objects' volume. Different objects that have the same volume, if submerged, experience the same buoyancy. The buoyancy is equal to the weight of the displaced liquit; in other words, volume (of submerged object, or of the submerged part) x density of the liquid x gravity.

How depth and density affects liquid?

Depth affects liquid pressure, which increases with depth due to the weight of the liquid above. Density influences the buoyancy of an object submerged in the liquid, with denser liquids providing greater buoyant force. Generally, liquids of higher density are more resistant to being displaced or mixed with other liquids.

How is the depth an object sinks in a liquid related to the ration of the density of solid to liquid?

An object sinks if it is more dense than the liquid it displaces. So the deeper it sinks, the more dense it is than the liquid it is submerged in.

Relationship between liquid pressure and density?

Liquid pressure is directly proportional to the density of the liquid. This relationship is described by the hydrostatic pressure formula, which states that pressure increases with increasing density. Therefore, denser liquids will exert a greater pressure at a given depth compared to less dense liquids.

How many fluid does a submerged object displace?

An object submerged in a fluid displaces a volume of fluid equal to its own volume. This is known as Archimedes' principle.