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1) You throw it straight up. No angle, nothing.

2) removed your punctuation, thus you meant initial speed of 39 m/s

3) No air resistance

4) Your "throw" begins at the ground (meaning you're not counting the height of the person)

Answer = 39 m/s

Reasoning: With nothing but the acceleration of gravity to slow it, it will slow to a stop, then accelerate and return along the same path. With no resistance, it will accelerate to the same velocity as its initial velocity by the time it reaches the point of origin.

Fun Fact: Feel free to try this. I recommend using a hackey-sack and laying on your back while you throw upward.

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3w ago

The final speed of the object just before it hits the ground can be calculated using the kinematic equation: v^2 = u^2 + 2as. Given that the initial speed (u) is 39 m/s, acceleration due to gravity (a) is -9.81 m/s^2, and the object travels a vertical distance (s) before hitting the ground, you can solve for v.

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Q: An object of a mass of 2.5 kg is thrown upwards with an initial speed of 39 ms How fast is the object traveling just before it hits the ground Assume that there is no air resistance?
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How do you find the initial velocity just with the accelaration final velocity and time?

You can use the equation: final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time. Rearrange the equation to solve for initial velocity: initial velocity = final velocity - acceleration * time. Simply substitute the given values for final velocity, acceleration, and time into the equation to find the initial velocity.

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Watts measure power, or the rate at which energy is consumed or produced. Amps (amperes) measure electrical current, or the flow of electrons in a circuit. Ohms measure electrical resistance, or the opposition to the flow of current in a circuit.

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The noun forms for the verb to assume are assumability, assumer, and the gerund assuming. Another noun form is assumption.

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The amount of time it would take an object to travel a distance with constant acceleration depends on its initial velocity, according to the equation: d = vit + 0.5at2 Where d is displacement, vi is initial velocity, t is time, and a is acceleration. Note: if the object starts from rest, its initial velocity, logically, is zero.

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The voltage drop across the wiring in the wall is calculated using Ohm's Law: V = I * R, where V is the voltage drop, I is the current, and R is the resistance. Plugging in the values, V = 10 A * 0.12 ohms = 1.2 V. Therefore, the voltage drop across the wiring in the wall is 1.2 V.

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