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4w ago

True. Running water is a significant agent of erosion that exerts a downward force on slopes through the process of erosion and transportation of sediment. This process contributes to the reshaping of landscapes over time.

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Q: An important agent of erosion that exerts a downward force on slopes is running water true or false?
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Why water exerts downward pressure?

The same reason bricks exert downward pressure. Gravity.

Why water exerts pressure?

The same reason bricks exert downward pressure. Gravity.

How does gravity affect materials on a slope?

Gravity exerts a downward force on materials on a slope, causing them to slide or roll downhill. The steeper the slope, the greater the force of gravity pulling the materials downward. This can lead to erosion, landslides, or other slope instability.

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What type of force does a backpack exert on the body?

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When you push downward on earth to make a pole vault earth exerts an equal force on the pole is this true or false statement?

True. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you push downward on the Earth to make a pole vault, the Earth exerts an equal force upward on the pole.

How do you measure the downward force of an apple exerts?

The downward force an apple exerts can be measured using a scale. Simply hang the apple from the scale and record the reading shown on the scale. This reading corresponds to the downward force, also known as the weight, of the apple.

Why is running water erosion so powerful?

Running water erosion is powerful because water has a natural ability to transport and carry sediment due to its density and volume. As water flows, it exerts force on the surrounding land, gradually wearing it down and shaping the landscape. Additionally, the constant movement of water can create turbulence and abrasion, further increasing its erosive power.