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A normal urine output for adults would be about 100ml/hour; beyond 125ml/hour would be considered excessive if it extended for more than 1-2 days.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

Actually, an excessive urine output is called polyuria, while anuria refers to the absence of urine production.

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9y ago

False an excessive urine output is not called anuria. Urine passes through the pelvis of the kidney to the ureter, bladder, and the urethra.

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Vidhi Chavda

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2y ago


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Q: An excessive urine output is called anuria?
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The Complete supression of urine formation by the kidneys is called?

Anuria is the term used to describe the complete suppression of urine formation by the kidneys. It typically indicates a serious underlying issue with kidney function or blockage in the urinary tract. Anuria requires immediate medical attention to determine the cause and potentially prevent serious complications.

When water loss via vaporization from the what or what from the skin is excessive urine output?

Excessive water vaporization from the skin, also known as insensible perspiration, can lead to increased loss of water from the body. When this loss is significant, it may result in the body compensating by increasing urine output to maintain fluid balance.

What is a condition in which excessive amounts of urine are produced because of a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone ADH?

The condition is called diabetes insipidus. It occurs when the body is unable to properly balance the amount of water in urine due to a lack of ADH production or response. Symptoms include excessive thirst and urination.

What is waste product of the kidneys called?

it is urine. :)

What is called loss of excess water and salt from body?

Loss of excess water and salt from the body is called dehydration. Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to potential health issues such as dry mouth, fatigue, and decreased urine output. It can be caused by factors like excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, or not drinking enough fluids.

Related questions

What is opposite of anuria?

The opposite of anuria (lack of urine formation) is polyuria (excessive production).

What is total lack of urine production called?

It is called anuria.

What is anuria?

Anuria means lack of urine production (or extremely low urine production).

What does anuria mean?

Anuria means no production of urine by the kidneys indicating kidney failure

The Complete supression of urine formation by the kidneys is called?

Anuria is the term used to describe the complete suppression of urine formation by the kidneys. It typically indicates a serious underlying issue with kidney function or blockage in the urinary tract. Anuria requires immediate medical attention to determine the cause and potentially prevent serious complications.

What is the medical term meaning lack of urination or lack of urin formation by the kidneys?

Anuria is the term for lack of urination (less than 50 ml of urine per day). Oliguria is the term for a low level of urination.

What term means absence of urine?

Anuria means absence or defective excretion of urine.

What is the cessation of urine flow defined as?


What are some words that end with -uria?

Here are some words: * Aciduria: a condition in which there is too much acid in the urine * Anuria: absence of urine * Azoturia: too much nitrogen substances in the urine * Curia: a court of justice * Dysuria: painful urination * Polyuria: excessive urination * Pyuria: presence of pus in the urine

What is the medical term meaning diminished or lack of urine production or secretion?

Diminished or scant urine production is oliguria. Anuria is absent urine production.

What is excessive flow of urine called?

Diabtes Mellitus

Abnormal low output of urine is called?
