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Q: An ecosystem has a greater number of individuals herbivores than individual producers. How would this affect the shape of the scosystem's pyramid of numbers?
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How would an ecosystem with a greater number of individual herbivores than individual producers affect the shape of the ecosystem's pyramid of numbers?

The pyramid of numbers would be inverted, with more herbivores at the base than producers. This is because more herbivores are consuming the producers, leading to a higher number of herbivores compared to producers.

Explain metabolism and size of individuals of ecosystem?

Metabolism is the chemical processes in living organisms that enable them to maintain life. It involves breaking down food to obtain energy and building blocks for growth and repair. The size of individuals in an ecosystem can influence the rate of metabolism, with larger organisms typically having slower metabolic rates compared to smaller ones, due to differences in surface area-to-volume ratio.

Are herbivores a producer or a consumer in the ecosystem?

Herbivores are consumers in the ecosystem because they feed on producers (plants). They obtain their energy by consuming plants, and they are then consumed by predators in the food chain.



Why is the rabbits ecosystem a forest?

They are Herbivores.

The species and the individual in the ecosystem?

A species is a group of organisms that can reproduce and produce fertile offspring, while an individual is a single member of that species. In an ecosystem, multiple species interact with each other and their environment, with individuals playing specific roles in the functioning of the ecosystem.

Is there more carnivores than herbivores?

In general, there tend to be more herbivores than carnivores in an ecosystem. This is because herbivores form the base of the food chain, supporting the larger number of carnivores that rely on them for food.

What happens when herbivores are killed by terrestial ecosystem?

When herbivores are killed in a terrestrial ecosystem, it can disrupt the food chain and impact the population dynamics of other species. It may lead to overgrazing of plants, affecting vegetation growth and diversity. This can result in cascading effects on other organisms dependent on those plants for food or habitat.

How could carnivores die out if an ecosystem does not have enough plants?

Carnivores live by hunting herbivores. If an ecosystem does not have enough plants to feed a population of herbivores there will not be enough herbivores to feed a population of carnivores and so they will die out.

Why are ecosystem with grass better for herbivores than ecosystem with tree?

Herbivores get energy from grass more easily.

What service does a Cheetah provide for its ecosystem?

It is a predator and it helps keep the number of herbivores in its ecosystem in check.

What is a part of a ecosystem?

producers,herbivores,omnivores,carnivores and decomposere