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Under the Pacific Ocean

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1mo ago

An area where the Earth's crust would be expected to be thin is along tectonic plate boundaries, such as divergent boundaries where plates are moving apart. This thinning of the crust allows for the upwelling of molten rock from the mantle, leading to the formation of new crust. These areas often exhibit volcanic activity and earthquakes due to the movement of tectonic plates.

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What is the area of the Earth's crust?

the area of of earths crust that is the thickest is the mantle.

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the area of of earths crust that is the thickest is the mantle.

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That I believe, would be the Earth's Crust.

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Scientists have no power to control earthquakes, nor to specifically predict them, but a logical area that the earthquakes would take place is along the plates of the earths crust. (Their shifting leads to earthquakes)

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A mega earthquake is an extremely powerful earthquake, typically with a magnitude of 9.0 or higher on the Richter scale. These rare but catastrophic events can cause widespread destruction, tsunamis, and loss of life in the affected area.

Where is the crust the thickest on plate?

The crust is thickest on oceanic plates where the crust is typically around 5-10 km thick under the oceans. In contrast, continental crust is generally thicker, around 30-50 km thick, with some mountain ranges having crust that can be even thicker.

What does it feel like to go through outer core?

the outer core is above earths solid inner core and below its mantle this is the outer part but not the crust and it would feel pretty warm to go through this area. ok well i hope this helped this is all i know.!:)

What does it feel like to go through the outer core?

the outer core is above earths solid inner core and below its mantle this is the outer part but not the crust and it would feel pretty warm to go through this area. ok well i hope this helped this is all i know.!:)

What is an area where magma melts through the crust in the middle of a plate?

A hot spot is an area where magma from deep within the mantle rises through the crust in the middle of a tectonic plate, creating volcanic activity and forming a chain of volcanic islands or seamounts. The Hawaiian Islands are a well-known example of hot spot activity.