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Q: Amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on?
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18) The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on?

On the amount of radiation emitted; on how close the individual is to the source of the radiation; on any objects in between which might absorb part of the radiation.

What are three reasons radiation sickness symptoms vary?

Exposure level: Symptoms can vary based on the amount and duration of exposure to radiation. Type of radiation: Different types of radiation, such as alpha, beta, or gamma, can affect the body in various ways. Individual factors: Factors like age, overall health, and genetic predispositions can influence how a person's body reacts to radiation exposure.

How does a film badge dosimeter work?

A film badge dosimeter contains a piece of photographic film that darkens when exposed to radiation. The film absorbs radiation energy in the form of ionization, causing changes in density that can be correlated with the amount of radiation exposure. By analyzing the film, it is possible to estimate an individual's level of radiation exposure.

Are all the radiation absorbed in the Earth's atmosphere is absorbed in the stratosphere?

No, not all radiation absorbed in the Earth's atmosphere is absorbed in the stratosphere. Different layers of the atmosphere absorb different types of radiation. For example, the ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs a significant amount of ultraviolet radiation, but other layers like the troposphere also absorb certain wavelengths of radiation.

How much dirt to protect from radiation?

The amount of dirt needed to protect from radiation depends on the type and intensity of the radiation. Generally, at least several feet of soil are needed to provide adequate protection from most types of radiation. It is best to consult with a radiation protection expert to determine the exact amount needed based on the specific circumstances.

Related questions

18) The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on?

On the amount of radiation emitted; on how close the individual is to the source of the radiation; on any objects in between which might absorb part of the radiation.

WHAT DOES The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on?

Time exposed to a radioactive source and the Distance a person is from a radioactive source and Type and amount of shielding between a person and a radioactive source.

The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depended on what?

Time exposed to a radioactive source Distance a person is from a radioactive source Type and amount of shielding between a person and a radioactive source X All answers are correct

What happens to the temperature of an object when it absorbs more radiation than it emits?

When an object absorbs more radiation than it emits, it will accumulate energy, leading to an increase in temperature. This results in the object heating up until a balance is reached where the amount of radiation absorbed equals the amount emitted.

Do cactuses absorb radiation?

While cacti do not absorb radiation in the same way that some plants can in contaminated areas, they do have natural defenses that help protect them from the sun's harmful rays. Their thick, waxy skin and ability to store water efficiently help them withstand high levels of sunlight without experiencing damage.

What term is used to describe a perfect radiator and absorber of electromagnetic radiation?

A material that perfectly absorbs and emits electromagnetic radiation is known as a "blackbody." It absorbs all incident light and emits the maximum amount of thermal radiation at a given temperature.

What does the earth's atmosphere do to most types of electromagnetic radiation?

The Earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters most types of electromagnetic radiation, filtering out harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and allowing visible light and some infrared radiation to reach the surface. This natural filtering process helps protect life on Earth by regulating the amount of radiation that penetrates the atmosphere.

How much cost of radiation shielding for wall and ceiling per square feet?

It depends on the nature and amount of radiation you want shielding from.

The amount of energy the atmosphere absorbs depends on its level of?

The amount of energy the atmosphere absorbs depends on its composition, including greenhouse gas concentrations like carbon dioxide and water vapor, as well as aerosols and clouds. These factors determine how much incoming solar radiation is absorbed and retained by the atmosphere.

What factors affect the amount of radiation a surface absorbs?

Factors that affect the amount of radiation a surface absorbs include the type of material, color, texture, and angle of the surface. Darker colors tend to absorb more radiation than lighter colors, and rough surfaces absorb more radiation than smooth surfaces. The angle of the surface plays a role in how much direct sunlight it receives.

When is an object in radiative balance?

An object is in radiative balance when it absorbs the same amount of radiation as it emits. This equilibrium results in a steady temperature for the object.

What are three reasons radiation sickness symptoms vary?

Exposure level: Symptoms can vary based on the amount and duration of exposure to radiation. Type of radiation: Different types of radiation, such as alpha, beta, or gamma, can affect the body in various ways. Individual factors: Factors like age, overall health, and genetic predispositions can influence how a person's body reacts to radiation exposure.