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Q: Alloys have the characteristic properties of which class of elements?
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What is a class of pure substance?

A class of pure substance refers to elements and compounds that are uniform in composition and properties throughout. This category includes elements like oxygen and compounds like water, which have specific chemical formulas and consistent physical and chemical characteristics. These substances can exist in different states (solid, liquid, gas) and can be identified by their unique set of properties.

Which is NOT a class characteristic of a suspect's sneaker?

The wear pattern of the sole is NOT a class characteristic of a suspect's sneaker. Class characteristics are features shared by a group of similar items, such as the tread design, size, or brand of a sneaker. The wear pattern would be considered an individual characteristic, as it can vary based on how the sneaker is used or maintained by the specific wearer.

What class of elements are semiconducters?


What class of elements are simiconducters?

Semiconductors are elements belonging to the metalloid group on the periodic table, with properties that lie between those of metals and nonmetals. Silicon and germanium are the most common semiconductors used in electronic devices due to their ability to conduct electricity under certain conditions.

Is a metalloid a nonmetal?

Tree's are nonmetal, they are mainly made up of cellulose and water. Tree stems consist mainly of support and transport tissues xylem and phloem. Although they do have some metal compounds absorbed from the soil, they are negligible amounts. regards Mitch

Related questions

What class of elements the than hydrogen or possibly oxygen are usually present in bases?

Bases typically contain elements from group 1 or group 2 of the periodic table, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium. These elements are capable of forming hydroxide ions when they react with water, giving bases their characteristic alkaline properties.

What is a sentence using the words elements?

The periodic table organizes the elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties.

What is A class of elements characterized by physical properties that include shininess malleability and conductivity?

The class of elements characterized by these physical properties is metals. Metals have a shiny appearance, can be shaped easily (malleability), and are good conductors of electricity and heat.

Is metal a element?

Metals are a class of elements. A pure metal is an element. Some metals are alloys, which mean they have more than one metal or element in them. The metal bronze is made of two elements, the metal tin and the metal copper.

What class of compounds is formed when oxygen combines with elements?

Oxides are the class of compounds formed when oxygen combines with elements. They typically consist of a metal or non-metal element bonded to oxygen. Oxides can vary widely in their properties and uses depending on the elements involved in the reaction.

Which class of elements have both the properties of metals and non metals?

Metalloids are the class of elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals. They have characteristics of both, such as being semi-conductive like nonmetals and having metallic luster like metals. Examples of metalloids include silicon, germanium, and arsenic.

What four elements have chemical properties like fluoride?

Flourine belongs to a class of elements called Halogens, which are similar in their chemical and physical properties. The other elements of this group are Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine and Ununseptium. Astatine, however, is not considered to be a true halogen since it is radioactive in nature and Ununseptium is a synthetic element.

What is the class classification system for Elements?

Elements are classified into classes based on their properties and characteristics. The main classes of elements are metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Metals are typically shiny, malleable, and good conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetals are typically dull, brittle, and poor conductors. Metalloids have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

What Class stratification is most characteristic of?


What is the characteristic of class stratification?

Th States

What information did Mendeleev use to try to find a pattern in elements?

Mendeleev arranged elements based on their atomic weights and chemical properties. He noticed that when he arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weight, certain properties repeated at regular intervals, leading to the development of the periodic table.

What is a large class of matter made up of elements and compounds?

A large class of matter made up of elements and compounds is known as substances. Substances can be pure elements, like oxygen or gold, or they can be compounds, like water or salt. Each substance has unique properties that distinguish it from other substances.