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Q: All the energy that is present in an ecosystem comes from what source?
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In an ecosystem what are the point of energy for new energy?

In an ecosystem, the primary source of new energy comes from the sun through the process of photosynthesis carried out by plants. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume other organisms. This transfer of energy sustains life within the ecosystem.

Where does the energy cycle comes from?

Sun is the source of energy. Energy cycle comes from it.

Where does the largest supply of energy come from in an ecosystem?

The largest supply of energy in an ecosystem typically comes from the sun through the process of photosynthesis. Plants and other producers convert sunlight into chemical energy, which is then passed on to consumers in the food chain. This forms the basis of the ecosystem's energy flow.

A steady source of energy comes from?

Comes from the sun.

What is the energy source for the water?

the energy comes from the sun

The one way flow at energy in an ecosystem?

In an ecosystem, energy flows in a one-way direction, starting with the sun as the primary source of energy. Producers (plants) convert sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis, which is then passed on to consumers (herbivores and carnivores) through feeding. Energy is eventually lost as heat at each trophic level and is not recycled back to the sun.

Does an asteroid belt have a source of energy?

Asteroid belts do not have a source of energy in the same way that planets or stars do. However, asteroids in the belt can gain energy from sunlight, which can cause them to rotate or move within the belt. Additionally, collisions between asteroids can also release energy.

Where does all energy in a ecosystem originally come from?

The energy in an ecosystem originally comes from the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants and other autotrophic organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy that is then transferred through the food chain to other organisms in the ecosystem.

What is the different energy source between the sun and the moon?

The energy of the sun comes from nuclear fusion occurring in the sun's core. The moon does not have an internal energy source. What little energy falls on it comes from the sun.

What provides energy in the ecosystem?

The sun provides the primary source of energy for most ecosystems through photosynthesis. In this process, plants and other autotrophic organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume one another.

How do you make a sentence for a light energy?

light energy is a source that comes from the electricity

What is the source of the energy?

There are many sources of energy, Ultimately it all comes from the big bang.