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4w ago

The chemical processes used to build up materials are called anabolism, while the processes used to break down materials are called catabolism. Together, these processes are part of an organism's metabolism, which is essential for maintaining life.

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Q: All the chemical processes used to built up or break down materials are called an organisms?
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What chemical processes that build up and break down materials in organisms are called?

The chemical processes that build up materials in organisms are called anabolic processes, while the processes that break down materials are called catabolic processes. These processes are essential for maintaining the balance of molecules within an organism for growth, repair, and energy production.

The study of the chemical processes in the living organisms?


What is biochemical processes?

Biochemical processes are reactions that occur within living organisms involving chemicals and molecules. These processes are essential for various functions such as metabolism, growth, and repair within the organism. Examples include photosynthesis in plants and digestion in animals.

Does a protein catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in organisms called an enzyme?

Yes, a protein catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in organisms is called an enzyme. Enzymes are involved in almost all cellular processes and play crucial roles in regulating biological reactions.

What are the materials you have at the beginning of a chemical reaction called?

The materials present at the beginning of a chemical reaction are called reactants. Reactants undergo a chemical change and transform into products during the reaction.

The sum totalof all the chemical prosses that take place in living organisms is called?

The sum total of all chemical processes in living organisms is called metabolism. Metabolism involves all the processes that generate energy and maintain essential functions necessary for life, such as growth, reproduction, and response to the environment. It can be divided into anabolism (building up molecules) and catabolism (breaking down molecules).

What is the starting and ending materials of a chemical reaction called?

The starting materials of a chemical reaction are called reactants, while the ending materials are called products.

The process by which rock materials are broken down by the actionof physical or chemical processes is known as?

The process you are describing is called weathering. Weathering can be caused by physical processes such as freeze-thaw cycles and abrasion, or chemical processes like acid rain and oxidation. These processes break down rocks into smaller particles over time.

Processes that take place in plants?

The process that takes place in plants is called photosynthesis in which plants and other organisms convert light energy, from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities.

The theory that life started itself from the chemical properties of matter is called?

The theory that life started itself from the chemical properties of matter is called abiogenesis. Abiogenesis proposes that living organisms can arise from non-living matter through natural processes such as chemical reactions.

What do you call organisms that make food?

Organisms that make their own food are called autotrophs. They are capable of synthesizing organic compounds from inorganic materials using energy from sunlight (photosynthesis) or inorganic chemical reactions (chemosynthesis).

Chemical reactions that take place in living organisms are collectively known as the organism's?

Metabolism is the set of all chemical process that take place in the body. The processes allow all life sustaining functions needed in the cells of living organisms.