all i need to know is if there is a famouse scientist in ornithology??
After all available letters have been used, any more storms in the season are named with letters of the Greek alphabet.
Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy is a famous scientist who proposed the geocentric model, which suggested that the Earth was at the center of the universe with all other celestial bodies orbiting around it. This theory dominated scientific thought for over a thousand years, until Copernicus and Galileo proposed the heliocentric model.
An ecologist studies processes of all living things, while a paleontologist studies processes of all dead things.
A scientist specializing in tectonics is called a geophysicist or a tectonic geologist. They study the processes that shape the Earth's crust, including plate movements and the formation of mountains and faults.
No, it'll just use the same name as you had before.
First of all Darwin was not a scientist. He was pastor on a field trip who tried to turn himself into a scientist, but he never conducted any scientific research or experiments. He merely drew conclusions from his observations. Which by the way have since all been proven wrong. His first name was Charles.
How do I get microsoft to open ALL my photos?
There are quite a few websites and blogs that will help one get autopsy photos. To name a few, one could try Goregrish and Best Gore. However, the photos may not be appropriate for all ages.
The elements are Curium (Cm), Mendelevium, Einsteinium...That's all I know..
Galileo galilei james watt wright brothers alexander graham bell
Because,Scientist is away of having fun and learning about things all over the world.
Yes. All of the photos taken in the movie are protected by copyright.
The method by which scientist name all living things was invented in the mid 1700s by a Swedish man name Carolus Linnaeus.
All of your photos are protected by copyright as soon as you take them.
aquatic scientist
Scientist did not name Mercury, Roman/ Greek Gods did. They named it Mercury because it was the fastest moving planet out of all Planets.