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Atoms of elements in group (column 2 of the Periodic Table) have 2 electrons in their outer shell. They have a low electronegativity, which means the electrons are not strongly attracted to the protons in the nucleus when compared to the electrons in atoms of column 6 or 7. For this reason, group 2 elements easily form +2 ion when in the presence of group 6 or7 elements.

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Q: All of the atoms of the elements in period 2 have the sme number of?
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The elements in each____ have the same number of?

all the nuclei of all atoms belonging to one element will have the same atomic number, they may not necessarily have the same mass number

What is special about a period on the periodic table?

all elements in a period all have the same amount of shells example: all elements in period 1 has only 1 shell all elements in period 2 has 2 shells so the period number is the same as the number of shells in that period

What is the correlation of a period number with the elements of that period?

The period number of an element corresponds to the energy level of its outermost electrons. Elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells. As you move from left to right across a period, the number of protons and electrons increases, resulting in higher effective nuclear charge, which affects the properties of the elements.

All the atoms in every element?

All elements are composed of atoms, which are the building blocks of matter. Each element is characterized by the number of protons in the nucleus of its atoms, determining its unique chemical properties. The periodic table organizes elements based on their atomic number, showing the variety of elements found in nature.

All of elements in period have same?

Number of Electrons.

Do atoms have neutrons in them?

Atoms of all elements can have neutrons in them. Only the element hydrogen has an isotope whose atoms do not contain neutrons, but all other isotopes of hydrogen have neutrons in them. In the heavier elements the number of neutrons always exceeds the number of protons in the atom.

What happens to the number of atoms in 1mol of each elements in the periodic table increase?

One mole of any element will have Avogadro number (6.023 x 1023) of atoms And this number remains the same for all elements.

Do all elements of the periodic table have the same type of atoms?

No. Atoms differ in number of protons, neutrons and electrons.

What are all elements are mixtures of?

An element is composed of atoms all with the same proton number(they are the same type). The only way the atoms in an element can vary is in the number of neutrons they have.

Why are elements put in rows?

all elements in one period have the same number of energy levels

Do all elements have atoms and molecules?

All elements have atoms, but most do not form molecules.

What do element and mixture have in common?

The commonalities that elements, compounds, and mixtures all have in common is that they all contain atoms. Even though they all contain atoms, the number of atoms vary in each of them.