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the opening of voltage-gated potassium channels and the closing of sodium activation gates.

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the action of the sodium-potassium pump, which actively transports sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell. This process helps to re-establish the concentration gradients of sodium and potassium ions, returning the cell membrane to its resting potential.

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Q: After depolarization phase of an action potential the resting potential is restored by?
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What is the stage in an action potential that immediately follow depolarisation?

The stage that immediately follows depolarization in an action potential is repolarization. During repolarization, potassium ions move out of the cell, causing the membrane potential to return to its resting state.

What is the reversal of the resting potential owing to an influx of sodium ions called?

The reversal of the resting potential owing to an influx of sodium ions is called depolarization. This occurs when the membrane potential becomes less negative, bringing it closer to the threshold for action potential initiation.

The process of depolarization and repolarization is called?

The process of depolarization and repolarization is called an action potential. During depolarization, the cell's membrane potential becomes more positive, while during repolarization, the membrane potential returns to its resting state.

Arrange these action potential events in their proper sequence?

The correct sequence of action potential events is: 1. Resting membrane potential, 2. Depolarization, 3. Repolarization, 4. Hyperpolarization.

Why don't the terms depolarization and action potential mean the same thing?

Depolarization occurs when a stimulus opens sodium channels which allow more sodium to go into the membrane making it less negative and more positive (toward reaching threshold). An action potential can only occur once the membrane reaches threshold which means it has reached the level needed through depolarization. An action potential is a brief reversal in polarity of the membrane making the inside more positive and the outside more negative, the reverse occurs again once the membrane reaches resting potential.

What event follows after the depolarization of a neuron?

After depolarization, the neuron undergoes repolarization, during which the cell's membrane potential returns to resting state. This is followed by hyperpolarization, where the membrane potential briefly becomes more negative than the resting state, before returning to its baseline. Finally, the neuron enters a refractory period, during which it is temporarily unable to generate another action potential.

What change in membrane potential triggers action potential?


What transmission of the depolarization wave along the neurons membrane?

Action potential

When the depolarization reaches about -55 mV a neuron will fire an action potential?

Yes, this threshold is known as the neuron's resting membrane potential. When the depolarization reaches -55 mV, it triggers the opening of voltage-gated sodium channels, leading to the rapid influx of sodium ions and generating an action potential. This initiates the propagation of the electrical signal along the neuron.

Which is the first step in a neuron production of an action potential?

Depolarization is the first event in action potential. During depolarization, the sodium gates open and the membrane depolarizes.

If a resting neuron is stimulated and there is an inward flow of positive charges into the cell the membrane potential will?

If a resting neuron is stimulated and there is an inward flow of positive charges into the cell, the membrane potential will depolarize, meaning the inside of the cell becomes less negative. This can trigger an action potential if the depolarization reaches the threshold level.