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Indian astronauts have been to space aboard Russian launch vehicles. The Indian-American astronaut Kalpana Chawla was killed aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. India has multiple satellites and recently succeeded in placing one around Mars.

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1mo ago

Some achievements in space exploration include the first human spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin in 1961, the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969, the Voyager spacecraft reaching interstellar space, the Mars rover missions, the Hubble Space Telescope discoveries, and the ongoing international collaboration on the International Space Station.

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11y ago

The first man landed on the moon. The first woman orbited around space. The first animals survived a trip into space and back. The very first man made satellite was built by the Russians’. The very first weather satellites were created.

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10y ago

The greatest achievement of man in space exploration was landing on the moon. The exploration still continues and there is a high possibility of more space achievements.

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What administration is responsible for the exploration of outer space?

The administration responsible for the exploration of outer space is NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in the United States. NASA conducts space missions, research, and exploration initiatives to expand our understanding of the universe and promote scientific advancement.

Was the space race just a race to the moon?

No, the space race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to demonstrate technological superiority in space exploration. While landing on the moon was a significant milestone in the race, both countries were also focused on other achievements such as satellite launches, human spaceflight, and space station development.

What is the space achievement?

Space achievement refers to significant milestones in human space exploration, such as landing on the moon, launching satellites into orbit, conducting spacewalks, and exploring other planets with missions like the Mars rover. These achievements represent a culmination of scientific, technological, and human endeavors aimed at expanding our understanding of the universe and pushing the boundaries of human capabilities.

Space exploration was revolutionized most by?

The development of advanced rocket technology and the creation of artificial satellites have revolutionized space exploration the most. These advancements have enabled humans to travel further into space, gather valuable data about the universe, and establish a continuous presence in space. Additionally, the construction of the International Space Station has allowed for long-term human spaceflight missions and international collaboration in space exploration.

What is the budget of space exploration?

Over 100 Billion dollars total

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What is the greatest achievement of man in space?

The greatest achievement of man in space exploration was landing on the moon. The exploration still continues and there is a high possibility of more space achievements.

What are the latest findings about space exploration?

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How did rockets improve space exploration?

Rockets improved space exploration by providing the necessary propulsion to launch spacecraft beyond Earth's atmosphere and into space. They enabled missions to reach farther destinations, travel faster, and carry greater payloads. Rockets have enabled us to explore distant planets, moons, and asteroids, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe.

Achievements and problems in space exploration?

Achievements in space exploration include landing humans on the moon, launching rovers to explore Mars, establishing a continuous human presence on the International Space Station, and sending spacecraft to study distant planets and asteroids. Some problems in space exploration include high costs, technological limitations, health risks to astronauts, space debris accumulation, and international competition for resources and territory in space.

How does rockets aid in space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

How does a rocket aid space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

When was Space Exploration Alliance created?

Space Exploration Alliance was created in 2004.

How does a rocket aid in space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

What year is the first space exploration?

The first space exploration took place in 1957 with the launch of the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 1. It marked the beginning of the space age and opened the door to further exploration of outer space.

How will space stations help in the exploration of space?

Space stations can help in the exploration of space because in space stations they do experiments on things they find in space.

What was the space exploration in 1950?

The space exploration in the 1950's was called the Solar System Exploration. These space missions lasted between 1950 and 1959.

What is deep space exploration?

Deep space exploration is a phrase used to describe the exploration of space that is not in the immediate vicinity. This typically well away from the planet Earth.