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It is called "natural selection", also known popularly as "survival of the fittest". This mechanism suggests that organisms will flourish if they are compatible with their environment (light, food, water, predators, weather), and will die and cease reproduction if they are not.

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4w ago

Their survival is dependent on their ability to compete for resources like food and mates, evade predators, and adapt to environmental changes. Only individuals with advantageous traits that improve their chances of survival and reproduction will pass on their genes to future generations.

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12y ago

possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness

I think

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Q: According to Darwin's theory of natural selection individuals who survive are the ones best adapt ed for their environment What is their survival dependent on?
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In an unchanging environment selection in a well adapted population is?

In an unchanging environment, selection in a well-adapted population is stabilizing selection. This type of selection favors individuals with intermediate phenotypes, maintaining the status quo of the population's genetic characteristics.

What is the process by which the best suited individuals survive in their environment?

This process is called natural selection. It is based on the idea that individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to their offspring. Over time, this leads to the adaptation of populations to their environment.

How can a wide range of phenotypes increase the chance that some individuals will survive in a changing environment?

by natural selection.

What is the order of natural selection?

The order of natural selection includes variation in traits among individuals, heritability of those traits, and differential reproductive success based on those traits. This process leads to the adaptation of populations to their environment over time.

What is the process by which only the suited for organism environment survives?

This process is called natural selection, it is a mechanism of evolution where individuals with advantageous traits for their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over time, these traits become more common in the population as they are passed on to offspring, leading to the adaptation of the species to its environment.

Related questions

What happens to individuals whose characteristics are not well suited to environment?

According to natural selection the individuals can be rare from the enviroment

According to Darwin's theory of natural selection individuals who survive are the ones best adapted for their environment their survival is due to the?

It's due to the inherited adaptations that are well suited to the environment.

The process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce is called?

natural selection

By what process individuals better adapted to the environment survive and reproduce?

This process is known as natural selection, a mechanism proposed by Charles Darwin. Individuals with advantageous traits that allow them to survive and reproduce in their environment pass these traits on to their offspring, leading to a gradual evolution of a population better adapted to its surroundings.

Darwin proposed that natural selection takes place as individuals best suited to the?

Darwin proposed that natural selection takes place as individuals best suited to their environment survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to offspring. This leads to the gradual progression of characteristics that are favorable for survival in a given environment.

What theory of Darwin's believes that the environment choses the healthiest individuals?

the theory of natural selection

How can a wide range of phenotypes increase the chance that some individuals will survive in a changing environment?

by natural selection.

What process selects against populations that are not fit to survive in their environment?

No process. The selection process selects variant individuals against the immediate environment. You seem to be talking about group selection which is not established biological consensus. Individuals are selected while populations evolve. Natural selection is for individuals and you need to get this concept down correctly. PS: Where do you people get these ill posed questions? Teachers?

What is the process by which individuals are better adapted to their environment will survive?

Natural selection a theory by Charles Darwin

According to Darwin what was central to organic evolution?

According to Darwin, natural selection was central to organic evolution. This process involves the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in traits that influence their ability to survive and reproduce in a given environment. Over time, this results in the accumulation of traits that are better suited to the environment, leading to evolutionary change in populations.

What is the process by which individuals with variations that make them best suited for their environment reproduce more than individuals without those variations?

Natural Selection

What is the process which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce is called?

natural selection